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  1. S


    So i planted my germinated seeds about 3-4 days ago, and i had about 9 of them. Only one poked out and is growing and for the others, no sign of life. Should i expect them to pop up or am i SOL.
  2. S

    Question, please help

    I germinated seeds and i just put the seeds right in the dirt, does it matter what way i put them in, i didnt put the white tails in any specific direction i just put them in. I didnt think this mattered but i heard that it might. If someone could throw some knowlegde at me that would be great.
  3. S

    Starting the planting, need help

    Okay so Im new to growing but last summer i learned a lot from my cousin who grew very successfully and ive been waiting until right about now to start. I have germinated about 15 seeds and im ready to start sprouting. I had a quick question though. First will it be okay to buy some soil and...