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  1. S

    To soon to switch to flowering?

    Right now I have three plants that range 4" tall and 8" wide. Long story short, I started them out in really crappy soil and let them get root bound stunting their growth. This is my first grow and i've learned a lot from it. The plants are about a month old. I transplanted them 8 days ago and...
  2. S

    Brown spots and yellowing on young plants!

    This plant is 10 days old. Watered it only twice, first time was with 1/2 strength sea tea and 2nd time was with 1/4 sea tea, no nutes used at all. I don't think it is nute burn cause sea tea is not that strong (organic), only used 1/4 - 1/2 strength. Do you think that could have done this or...