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  1. S

    Anything to do before harvesting?

    I was wondering if anything was preferred before harvesting besides flushing? And if I am not keeping the plant should I cut off branches individually or just hang the whole plant upside down? Also, with the drying space, it needs to be dark? Is 60-70 degrees ok for that dark place?
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    pH tester..

    What is everyone using to check their pH levels? I'm gonna have to order one off the 'net, so brand name, price, and where you got yours would awesome.. Dealing with a pH problem on my plants right now and trying not to start freaking out.. Thanks so much!
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    Some dead leaves normal?

    I am 3 weeks into flowering and on one of my plants this morning, I took off 3-5 leaves that had dried up really bad. The stem for these leaves just snapped right off cleanly.. The rest of the plant appears normal with good white hairs appearing.. Is it normal for the plant to kill off some of...
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    Could use a second opinion on if these are males..

    I'm about 12 days into flowering with 7 plants, and just with my luck I believe I have 3 males.. thus far.. This is my first grow and I just wanted a second or third confirmation on whether these are males or not.. The pics are for two of them, like I said I am pretty sure they are males but...
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    If they're males, how long before pollen releases?

    So I have 7 plants going in a closet right now, am now on day 10 of the 12/12 light cycle.. I believe that I am seeing the first signs of a couple males and was wondering how long it would take before they opened up and released their pollen?? Thanks..
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    Darkness prior to flowering...

    How long should I put the plants in the dark before I begin the flowering cycle? They've been under fluoros/daylight 24 hrs, and now I'm ready to begin the hps treatment...
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    Brown spots on a few.. Help!

    There is only one photo to show but this problem is on a couple plants, but only one or two leaves.. I do not know if it is light burn or what.. They are running under fluoros and/or daylight 24 hours, Fox Farm Oceanic mix, no nutes after transplanting, watering with Arrowhead water.. I do not...
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    Pot/Container size..

    So I have a handful of plants going in the closet right now.. They are probably closing in on 4-5" tall.. I have a couple of them in 2 gallon grow bags and the rest in 6" diameter pots.. My question is, if height is an issue, would not switching these plants to bigger containers be a better...
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    Fluoros to HPS. When?

    I just was given some plants, 6 of which all have sprouted. The biggest is about 2-3" and has great looking leaves already. I do not know what they are, but as of last night I jerry-rigged my closet to get me through the day so I can go get the proper supplies.. They are currently under 6, 32-34...
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    Anyone recommend good soils to begin with? And some to grow the plants in? I know it depends on ph and nutrients, but any brands that some have had better experience with than others? And what about ferts?
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    HPS vs MH

    I'm looking at a 250watt system for my small closet to begin the process of growing. What would be better to go with if I could only choose ONE of these? Could I purchase a 250 watt hps system and switch it with a MH bulb? Would I want to do this, or just keep the hps bulb from start to finish?
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    first time..

    the nerves of a first time buyer.. i saw the review site and have read over it and checked out a few of the sites.. a big question of mine is what is the best method of payment? are people buying seeds with their credit cards because that aspect seems to raise the paranoia factor for me? is the...
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    preparing to begin.. would like some answers...

    Cali and Oregon resident transplanted to phoenix, az for now and am preparing a spare closet room for growing.. im only looking at doing 2 plants to start, is an hps 150w going to be enough or need it be more? the closet space is about 2' feet, 4' long and 8' to the ceiling with a clotes rack at...