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  1. R

    Uses for vaporized bud.

    I was just wondering if there are any uses for vaporized bud. Seem's kinda like a waste of weed just throwing it away. Any ideas?
  2. R

    First timer on forum

    Hey all. How goes the growing out there everywhere. I have found a lot of good info on here so i thought i would go ahead and share some pics of my op and try to offer what little knowledge i have. LOL
  3. R

    First Time Post and Pics of Growroom

    Hey all. Finally found the cord for my camera so i can get pics of my room up. Its no where near finished but I have a good start on it. I have a 6' x 10' room funished with a 1000W HPS light ,a reflective coated bubble wrap (only thing available) on the walls, 300 CFM exhaust and 500 CFM intake...