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  1. C

    1000watt air cooled

    i got a 1000watt air cooled system and i was wondering whats a good height too keep it from the plants when flowering? i got it at about 1ft now.
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    ufo lights

    have any of you guys heard about that new led ufo lights they have for like $400? i heard it uses 90watt and puts as much as a 400watt hps..what you guys think worth the money or no? here is a link of it on ebay...
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    pot size

    is one gallon pot enough for a 2ft tree?
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    Too Much (n)?

    Ok here is the deal, i got clones ones they have roots i transplant them in 1gallon pots. by the way im using ocean forest soil and foxfarm perlite also. so after i do that they stay in the 24/0 room for 1 week than go to 12/12. my question is now why are my plants dark green and the edges of...
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    Ph For Clones

    whats a good ph level for clones. also if seeds are stored at a hot place will they die?
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    security question

    i am growing one plant behind my yard and it's a pretty big plant. my question is the neighborhood i live in the police helicopter always patrols do you guys think they might be able to see it? or know its a mj plant?
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    ph meter and clones ???

    I got a hanna ph and i was wondering do i only need the 7.0 calibrating solution cause this thing has different ways to calibrate. also another question is if i take rooted clones and plant it in ocean forest soil is it ok to give light dose of superthrive? thanks
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    1000watt full spectrum

    whats a good range to put the light for seedlings 1000watt
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    ocean forest soil

    Ok i bought some fox farm soil now my question is I am working with clones. I let them root than put them under 1000watt 24/0 for one week than 12/0 after that. When should I start giving them ferts? and he guy said this soil has more (N). any opion is apperciated. Thanks
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    humboldt county

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    what do you guys think about fox farm potting mix? is it good?
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    fox farm

    I got some fox farm soil should i mix it with perlite? also which one you guys think is better the mg super soil or the oragnic soil
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    whats peat moss?

    peat moss
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    black spots?

    I just noticed today on my outdoor plant that the leafs have black spots on it everywhere. what can this be?
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    buying from hydro store

    i was stoned and i went in to a local hydro store and bought about $400 worth of reflectors and some hydro trays and now im tripping. I usually buy everything cash..but i EDIT LANGUAGE up and bought it with a credit card is it ok? what you guys think
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    co2 and venting

    the guy at the hydro store told me i dont need to vent if i got co2 and the temp doesnt pass 85f......How do you calculate the fan cfm needed for the space?
  17. C

    humidity and sog ???

    whats good humidity for veg and flower? also after clones show signs of roots you guys think 1week of veg is enough under 1000watt? ima use 2liter soda bottles is it ok for roots to see light?
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    clone in rockwool

    is it ok to put the clones in rockwool? also what kinda light should i have one them for a 20x15 tray. another question i have is..intake is it ok to bring hot air in? cause i want to vent but where i live is real hot and i dont want a/c working all the time.
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    i got my clones in the tray with humidity dome on top should i water them twice a day? and how often should i spray the dome? thank guys
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    snow cap?

    is there a strain called snow cap? and is it good? thanks for your opinions