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  1. B

    Changing Light Source Mid-Grow - Problems

    I have a few healthy looking plants grown on CFLs. Granted, they aren't crazy-healthy, but everything is green and the leaves fan out nicely. The CFLs are equivalent to about 550 watts. The plants do well with those lights 20-30cm away. (8-12 inches) I hooked up a 400 watt HPS, and the...
  2. B

    What's wrong with this little guy? He's twisting.

    He's about a week old. That's a 150 watt equivalent cfl above him. He's in miracle grow soil. Ph is fine. I might be over-watering. Will over-watering cause this? Or, is there nothing wrong?
  3. B

    Please critique this hypothetical set up

    Let's say I have about 18 square feet of area. There would be two 40 watt fluorescent fixtures (with two bulbs each). So, that's 160 watts. That's 12.000 lumens. Right? Is that enough, if I keep the bulbs near the tops of the plants? I'm planning two cool whites and two grow lights. Good...