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  1. F

    Any Big Blue reports?

    Looking for experiences and pictures of the plants from people that have grown Big Blue (NL#5 x Blueberry). Thanks in advance.
  2. F

    Will this charcoal filter idea work?

    I'm building a growbox and I need the outside to look neat and tidy or the wife won't allow it in the house. I've built the box out of pine but need to make a charcoal filter/heat extractor that doesn't stick out too much. Here is my idea, I buy a charcoal filter similar to this...
  3. F

    Making seeds question...

    I pollenated my female plant and now I have about 80-100 seeds. My question is, do I need to wait to germinate the new seeds? Do the seeds need a rest period before they can be germinated? The seeds look great, dark with light squiggly lines, not immature seeds definitely.