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  1. T

    First Time Grower

    oh yeah, believe me site is great, we riped all the weeds and grass and what bot out and theres nothin but open skies =]
  2. T

    First Time Grower

    hey if i wanna post pics, where do i download them i guess photobucket is a no go on this site?
  3. T

    I'm Germinating My Seeds Right Now...

    o no man!! they would of been kinda big to like a few inches at least i wonder how they just left?
  4. T

    is this looking good?

    u got dat weed man =] now give it love and u will have all the pot u need... ...for a month or 2 lol
  5. T

    First Time Grower

    ok well first off i wanna say that i had another acount, ThEcAkEmAn and for some reason this website decided to say im not 18? which im ******* 19 and they blocked my account so i have to start all over i still have those forums up but i might as well just start over so hear we go again lol...