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  1. G

    2 Weeks into Flowering...Fan Leaves drying up

    I've had a nearly identical problem at around the same time as your plant. I couldn't find a solution on the forums, so I just kept doing what I was doing. I'm at week 5 1/2 and I'm seriously at 2 sets of fan leaves. I'm praying things go well up until harvest time, but, to be honest, I'm not...
  2. G

    Lower leaves yellowing

    No, I'm using 1/4 strength but I'm pretty sure its not nute burn. First the leaves droop a little, then they gradually turn yellow until they die; I can point exactly where its yellowing from.
  3. G

    Lower leaves yellowing

    The plant is 74 days old, bagseed, in non pre-nuted soil after transfering her from MG potting soil 3 weeks ago. Before putting her into flowering, I was feeding her MG All Purpose (24-8-16). Since flowering, I've been giving her Schultz African Violet Plus (8-14-9) every other/2 days for the...
  4. G

    Lower leaves yellowing

    It may not be a problem but I'm paranoid and, hey, better safe then sorry. Lately, my lower leaves have been drooping, yellowing and dying, a set of alternating leaves ever week for the past 3 weeks. At first I just thought all the non 7 fingered leaves were just dying off, but then I saw a set...
  5. G

    African Violet Plus

    I just bought some African Violet Plus liquid plant food for when my plant goes into flowering. I was wondering how much I should use of it when I water and if I should dilute it in water or just use it straight. Also, how do I flush my soil and when should I do it? Thanks for the help.
  6. G

    CFs for a Micro grow-box

    Sorry I can't post any pics (I don't have any type of camera device and I'm using a PSP >.<) But I do have a few PC fans availible, just gotta find a decent power source to hook em up to. (I'm thinking a couple RC battery packs. If theres anything I'm good at, its McGyvering stuff out of...
  7. G

    CFs for a Micro grow-box

    Thanks Slowmo. I just added another light yesterday and I can see a decent difference. I'll try to get at least 2 more cfls by the end of the week. The only problem is that I have a top on the box, so I'll have add more openings to add the lights. I'm wondering if I should just remove the top...
  8. G

    CFs for a Micro grow-box

    I have two 19"-17"-17" grow boxes that use one Compact Flo. each. My question is: Can I just use CFs throughout the Veg and Flow. cycles for decent yields or will I eventually have to switch to HPS? And, if I can use solely CFs for Veg and Flow, which type would I need for each? Thank you for...
  9. G

    New member, dumb question

    I wish I had a camera so I could post some pictures. It seems to be growing a little slower than it was in it first few days and, I'm not sure if its normal or not, but the leaf veins are yellow. (Where can I read up about plant biology?) Someone posted about some Jiffy Premium Starting Mix, so...
  10. G

    Strain help: Beginner's

    Thanks billy. I think I'll start off with the Hashberry. It fits just about every qualification I'm looking for.
  11. G

    New member, dumb question

    Thanks for your constructive critism. I will take it to heart. To be honest, I'm using mostly off-the-shelf products. (MG Potting Soil, MG Plant food, screw-in Flo lights) I made a box 3 years ago thats 17"x19"x6" with an additional 15"x16 3/4"x10.5" of aluminum foil covered plexiglass that have...
  12. G

    Strain help: Beginner's

    I was looking at the strain list and I swear I almost died. So many different kinds of MJ; I don't how to pick and since I'm new to the homegrown scene, I thought I'd ask the community for help. I'm looking for a strain with the following properties, in order of importance: Low cost, High THC...
  13. G

    New member, dumb question

    Ok one more. (Please bear with me. I'm using a PSP and I can only type in so many words.) What would be the cheapest seedbank and which strain would you recommend? The list of strains and names make my head spin. @.@
  14. G

    New member, dumb question

    Hello. I'm new to growing and to the forums. I have a one week old that seems to be doing great, (I watch it like a hawk) but I got the seed from a horrible batch that I just know was male. (I'm growing it mostly for experience) My question is: Is their any chance that the plant (Or the seeds it...