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  1. C

    A rule of thumb maybe?

  2. C

    getting past the dogs

    put it in your prison wallet :bolt: or wrap it, then put vasaline around it and wrap it again that will conseal the smell, wont help again obvious searches but as far as a dog it will keep them at bay
  3. C

    how long

  4. C

    how long

    i need a camera... GRRRR.... The plants have lost a lot of the bottom leaves, since flowering, there about 18'' tall, and only about 5-6'' down from the top still have there leaves... bag seed is a drag... vegged for atleast 3-4 weeks for sure
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    how long

    in door in my closet, no leaks, and there cheap grow lights, but they vegged them great so i dont see why that would effect flowering?
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    how long

    still no sign.... what the heck is wrong with these plants
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    i Think this is odd, do you

    :eek: Still NO sign of anything..............
  8. C

    CLones with Flowering plants

    i just took 9 clones from my 3 plants, the mothers are in flowering, should i keep the clones elsewhere? i dont really have any other area to put them, so there on a 12/12 light cycle, is this gunna be bad for the clones?
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    how long

    how long til i should be able to sex my plants and start seeing some progress after u start the flowering, ive been in flowering for 5 days now and i see nothing new, plants arent getting bigger, no signs of balls or white hairs.. nothing?? how long til i see something?? btw its bag seed...
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    Proper lighting

    its not even that big of a grow area, im afraid of burning these plants.
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    Proper lighting

    i have a 5x3x6 grow area that im looking to upgrade my lighting to this setup im gunna have low ryders in...
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    i Think this is odd, do you

    water every other day had a high nitrogen food in there. plants were perfectly fine til i started to flower.
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    i Think this is odd, do you

    76-78 from s tart to now
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    i Think this is odd, do you

    i vegged my plants for about 6 weeks, got them all ( 3 ) to about 17'', im in my 4th day of flowering and the plants are starting to get the yellow brown leaves, some of the tips are turning black and one of them has lost strngth in the stock at the very top. None of this was going on til i...
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    what happends if i 12/12 them to sex them, then switch them back t0 20/4 so i can continue growing them bigger? would this kill or stress the plant to much?
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    ok so after i take the clones, should i veg them to grow them or jkust keep them in the 12/12? 14'' 15'' and 16'' came from bag seed, and about 5-6 weeks im guessing, i actually got them off of a buddy who "accidently" grew them and didnt want the responibility of carely for what he created ;)
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    yes i did a search and didnt really find what i was looking for :eek: cloning you only want the females, well from my understanding u wont really know if u have females until the flowering starts. so it could take weaks before u can even start a clone then weaks again to get the...
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    diesel ryder and early girl

    i was gunna buy those deislel ryders, let me know the crop size and the pros and cons id like to do a batch of them soon. also the time from st art to finish it took, i heard the lowryders only take 9weeks start to finish
  19. C

    A rule of thumb maybe?

    its bag seed because im skepticle about buying off line because of a radiation rumor i heard. I have a thread on that though, right now i have them a 20/4 cycle, but i might switch to a strait 24 houir cycle as i paln to flower in about a week
  20. C

    A rule of thumb maybe?

    i have 3 mature plants, not sure of the sex yet but i was told i wont know the sex til i start the flowering. now the 3 of therer 14, 15, and 16 inches tall. Is there a rule of thumb to guestamate the size of the crops ill get off these? id like them to be a bit bigger but just trying to figure...