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  1. W

    Males vs Females

    Hello All, Well Its been about 5 weeks into the flowering process and I just successfully sexed my plants. out of six seeds, 2 were DEF male, and 3 are DEF female, the other one, I am not too sure, so I'll let it go for some more time. My only question is that both of the males were SOOO much...
  2. W

    Watering Question

    My 9 plants have been in the vegetation stage for about 3 weeks now. Last week, I transplanted from 4 inch pots to big ones. My only question is that since then, (7 days ago), I only watered them once on the transplant day. I use the moisture meter and it still says moist and is slowly going...
  3. W

    2 simple ??'s..... i think

    and also, you guys are saying that I WILL see a difference in sex in the veg stage and NOT the flowering stage?? around what week you think in the veg stage???
  4. W

    2 simple ??'s..... i think

    nonneedfarm.... thanks for all ur help before, i know what your talking about and i like the 12 on 12 off.... i am a newbie so I am just going with the law of averages.... thanks man
  5. W

    2 simple ??'s..... i think

    OK everyone has been VERY helpful to me and basically, if everything works out, I OWE YOU ALL a big one... being this is my first time doing thiss, I do have lots of questions. I have 9 beautiful babies growing with 24 hours of light. I am approaching week 4 and about to put them in 2 gallon...
  6. W

    Question!!! :)

    so your saying becuase I am growing indoor, DONT worry about the 8-9 months of harvest? I have been doing 24 hours of light, should I change that up? Its only my 3rd week into the flowering time... thanks for all your help!!!
  7. W

    Question!!! :)

    I have had my plants growing now for about 3 weeks, things are looking pretty damn good I might say. Its about time I think to put them into 2 gallon pots, my only questions is, whats the total time frame I am looking at now? When I bought the seeds, this was what the website had said: INDOOR...
  8. W

    Watering Question!!!!

    Hello All! Well I am a beginner sort of speak to all of this and I have asked many questions, so here is another one. My plants have successfully made it through the first 2 weeks, grown beautifully and last night, I transported them to 4 inch pots. I am so excited. I then proceeed to water...
  9. W

    Jiffy Pot

    About to transport my seedlings which have been grown for 7 days now into a 4 inch pot... I have them in separte jiffy pots... do you guys know if I can just Put the jiffy pots in as a whole or do I cut them out or something? If I cut them out, how do i do this without the soil breaking...
  10. W

    Watering Question

    I am using Jiffy Pots... I am scared to translpant so early becuase the roots didint fully develop... but here comes ANOTHER question, if i do transplant, do I just put the whole jiffy pot in or do I cut it off? thanks everyone sooo much!
  11. W

    Watering Question

    Hello All, I am a big time newbie at all this and just starting my first plants... After 5 days now, I noticed that 7/10 of my plants have started to sprout up and ready to rock and roll and I am REALLY excited. My only question is that this weekend, I am going away from Thursday night to...