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  1. Devilweed

    A Few begginer questions.

  2. Devilweed

    Pictures Of Flowers Week 6!!!

    What lights did you use? and how long did you veg?
  3. Devilweed

    What is this world coming to?

    Its not that big a deal if you have a few trustworthy friends to hook you up. I don't think I would ever just head downtown and buy it off someone I did not know. Learn to grow!
  4. Devilweed

    Browning/dyring out hairs

    Thanks, I will get on those Tichromes!
  5. Devilweed

    Browning/dyring out hairs

    I have already commented on my outdoor grow, that is still out there (47th parallel). The hairs on one plant seem to be turning brown and look well dead? I may be too late for harvest or something. I need to get a magnify loop thing, but I did not think I was too late because of how small...
  6. Devilweed

    Ventilation Nightmare!

    Thanks a lot. Unfortunatly we do not have air conditioning. I thought about venting from the top and bottom. I think I will do that, but the initial problem was the air going in a loop: Air being sucked from the top and taken in fromt he bottom may just exchange air in a loop. I think it...
  7. Devilweed

    Ventilation Nightmare!

    I don't have pics yet because I might abandon the whole grow area and try again in a while somewere else. I have a small/Medium sized closet. No holes can be drilled, no bashing out of wall, and there are no ducts anywhere near the room. THe door can/will be replaced with plywood, but that...
  8. Devilweed

    Recommended hardy outdoor strains?

    You a "Drive By Truckers" Fan?
  9. Devilweed

    just some pics of my first growroom and 1st grow soon

    Hey these are great, I am still working on a LOW BUDGET grow room. I like your setup, could you post some pics of how your ventilating (Please don't tell me you have venting running through your room cause everyone seems to have that! and I dont) Thanks
  10. Devilweed

    After curing....

    We never get snow, just a steady stream of rain all winter. We have actually had temps in the high 70's last week. I guess fate is on my side. Anyone believe in Karma?
  11. Devilweed

    After curing....

    I'm up at the 47th parallel, give or take one. They seem to be doing fine though... At least I hope they make it a bit longer cause they are not quite ready for harvest.
  12. Devilweed

    Medical marijuana a 'con,' U.S. deputy drug czar says

    Ha, don't you think they've been kicked around enough?
  13. Devilweed

    After curing....

    Your curing already?? My plants are about a month from harvest (Assuming the frost does not set in) Whats a mason jar, just glass?
  14. Devilweed

    Medical marijuana a 'con,' U.S. deputy drug czar says

    This is sad. Simply depressing that the governemnt would deny a Veteran the right to ease her pain. Its sick. They tried to arrest a women with brain cancer last year and like that happens all the time. Someone who is in obvious need, is getting crap from the governemnt for their use...
  15. Devilweed

    Window ?

    Yes it will. Or Mylar Reflecter on the walls.
  16. Devilweed

    How large are your plants???

    Thanks! I think i'll be pushing 6 for my hydro grow.
  17. Devilweed

    Window ?

    Dont use aluminum-hot spots! A window can be usefull though in terms of ventilation (at least for me) Just some black plastic is good though.
  18. Devilweed


    I could Probibly make that work. Thanks!
  19. Devilweed

    How large are your plants???

    Hey RedandWhite: How many plants did/do you put under your 1000 Watt HPS? I am more concerned with a few large plants over a lot of strained ones. Thanks!
  20. Devilweed

    Experienced Hydro Growers Q!

    Yea, I have Financial and Heat Issues, but if they decide to go away this would be a LOT easier.