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  1. W

    "convincing evidence" that marijuana smoke damages the genetic material DNA

    hXXp:// That picks the entire article apart.
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    Anderson Cooper 360 all next week: ‘America’s High’

    All next week at 10:00 PM EST on CNN, Anderson Cooper will be doing a big special on the legalization of pot: "Can the U.S. afford to make pot legal? Can we afford not to? We’re keeping them honest on both sides of the argument. All next week, 10 ET" What are your thoughts on this? How...
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    As good as it gets for indoors. You cant yield more than this.

    I'm picking up some bad vibes here fellas, respect :afroweed:
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    Responces about the Vote for "Letter to the President" LEGALIZE MARIJUANA.

    Hey guys, I'm new here and would like to give you my two (or three?) cents on this letter idea. The deadline set is far away, which is a good thing. This allows for more time to get the word out. In this thread we should not be focussing on the amount of letters we send, we should instead be...
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    Mentalpatient's White Berry Grow

    I registered on these forums just to see the pictures of this grow. I was reading the comments and from the sound of them I had to see this for myself :P But I'm here to stay now. Keep it up mental!