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  1. Etnavyguy

    Are you sure you are using the right bulb?

    Alright I will try to be clearer, if a bulb is rated at 3000 K then a good portion of the light produced should be at or near 3000 k. Go to wolfram apha, type in "3000 kelvin", half way down the page you can see that it correspones with a wavelength of 966nm. Go to one of the two sites that i...
  2. Etnavyguy

    Are you sure you are using the right bulb?

    I am not disputing the correctness of these equations, simply why you put them in the forum. My point is according to the information provided a bulb which has a light emission curve that peaks at 3000k, would be far from ideal since that corresponds to wavelengths that are not absorbed.
  3. Etnavyguy

    Are you sure you are using the right bulb?

    Wavelength (nanometers) = 3,000,000 / Col temp (Kelvin) I agree he had it backward but 3000 K? 3000 K = 1000 nm If you check out the charts I linked in the first post, you can clearly see that anything in the 3000k mark would be ineffective. My entire argument hinges on the two graphs...
  4. Etnavyguy

    Are you sure you are using the right bulb?

    For that matter, i'm not sure I am using the correct bulbs. I was just reading the forums and saw someone contradict what I had read earlier so I would like to set the record straight, and I will need some input. 1. According to and...
  5. Etnavyguy

    Possible Burn

    Its true, we have the same father.:rolleyes: On a side note, the little girls seem to be doing just fine. I moved the Lights up an inch or so and gave them water. Now they are perky and sassy.
  6. Etnavyguy

    Best Site to buy equipment from?

    Thanks everyone, all your responses have been very helpful. Happy Growing!
  7. Etnavyguy

    Possible Burn

    Sorry that sucks :-( I really don't think its pH, I water with pH balanced tap water and I had let sit out at least overnight. I water with about 6.3 pH and my runoff is about 6.5. I'm sure you are refering to those wacky ph and nutrient absorbsion diagrams floating around. Some of them...
  8. Etnavyguy

    Possible Burn

    It could be Nute burn, but I haven't been using any fertilizer besides some when they were very small and hardly poking out of the sprouting pots. They are growing in MG but i Give them PH balanced tap water that I let sit out. My setup actually has an extra " grow Bulb" mounted in between...
  9. Etnavyguy

    Best Site to buy equipment from?

    whats your favorite website to order things like mylar, nutrients, activated carbon, and soil? I am in the US and time is not of the essence, i just want reliable and fair prices. The nearest grow shop is several hours away. Any suggestion?
  10. Etnavyguy

    Possible Burn

    I don't spray the plant at all. It is my first grow, in MG Moisture Control potting soil. All Pictures only minutes old(Canon 20D) PIC1 Whole Plant PIC2 Main Leaf from previous post(24 hour diff) PIC3 Other Main Leaf set PIC4 Upclose side view
  11. Etnavyguy

    Possible Burn

    I don't have a picture of the whole plant. Lots of family staying here. I will post a pic late today. In order to keep the height of the plants low I am keeping the Flourescent light very very close. I guess touching the light may be too close. I got my seeds from a website and they were a...
  12. Etnavyguy

    Possible Burn

    Could someone tell me what they think caused this?
  13. Etnavyguy

    Yet another Noob

    its from the propaganda they feed me, i can only describe with words that i have been tought
  14. Etnavyguy

    Yet another Noob

    "we only like/write MJ on these boards infact its a rule :D" I always welcome corrections. I'm not entirely sure which word violated the rule. Could you discretely point out my Indiscrection?
  15. Etnavyguy

    Yet another Noob

    This is my first time posting. I've done quite a bit of reading and figured it was time to say hi. Also i took a picture of one of my little friends. Pic1 this is as close as i can possibly get to my MJ. It just started a second set of leaves. I guess its a little cloudy. Pic2 further away...