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  1. F

    Plants in Window...

    Today I am here to say I have 2 Dutch treat @ 5 weeks old, no alternating nodes and definitely female pre-flowers. The Kush I have same age is showing something but I'm not certain if f/m yet... Also no alternating nodes.
  2. F

    Early Sexing Question

    First, this was just 3 seeds (a Kush and 2 Dutch treat) Second, the seeds I was given previously (many hundreds) were not top quality but from a long time outdoor grower and good friend of mine. The hundreds were intended for outdoor growing and that's what I did with them. Now I'm inside...
  3. F

    Plants in Window...

    Just updating here since I am dealing with seeds again (in a completely new environment) and wanting to take some early clones to sex a few plants I have, they are 4.5 weeks old and not alternating nodes and not showing signs of preflowers and I'd taken advice in another thread to wait but then...
  4. F

    Early Sexing Question

    I've never had a problem sexing the plants before but I just didnt realize they showed it before flipping them to 12/12. Thanks so much guys, I just got these seeds in a bag and they are unknown but I will keep them as moms if I can
  5. F

    Early Sexing Question

    I understand now-so excellent, thanks! They aren't alternating yet so I'll wait. What do you mean they should be showing preflowers by now? Without changing lighting they will? (currently 18/6) Sorry, edit - what do you mean they shoul be showing sex soon? ;)
  6. F

    Early Sexing Question

    Hai, forgive me if this has been asked a lot as I have a feeling it has, but... I have 3 new plants that are almost 5 weeks old that I'd like to take a clone from each now to check them (I need the space) can I do this now or do I néed to wait 2 months? I'll just be taking 1. (I'd rather not...
  7. F

    Legalize marijuana sales, say B.C. experts

    De-criminalize is the way to go, I sure hope the government never wins that kind of control over it. *crosses toes and stuff* I cannot believe they are making it out to be as terrible as that - "...drug deals gone bad over something as small as a simple [$10] bag of marijuana..." I sense a...
  8. F


    haha! You guys! *puff puff pass*
  9. F

    Bananas as fertilizer?

    Bit of a hijack but are ants bad for these plants? I have a LOT of ants!
  10. F

    Advice Please on T5's

    I do need flowering bulbs. I went ahead and made an area 5x4 and am hanging 400's in there to continue flowering some of these. When I am more ready, I will do everything by math! haha I am going to use T5's for the mothers I think. Why? Cuz I will be dealing with mostly clones after...
  11. F

    95 degrees

    Yeah it's a bit rude to knowingly have a male sitting outside. I was telling some frenz about how the "law" could save a lot of money just randomly placing horny males around well known grow areas instead of wasting all that money (that could support our weed needs! Haha) on helicopters etc...
  12. F

    Sunshine Mix 1 + Flowering

    Ok, excellent! Thanks so much. I have a friend who wants to give me some of this kelp stuff he has and some urea, anyone have experience with these?
  13. F


    SHE :D Ya I think actually just going with poly all the way if it's just as good as used foylon...or white paint. I thought the foylon would be better than just poly.
  14. F


    Ooooh ok! I would RATHER paint honestly, thanks! :D
  15. F


    I have a bunch of used foylon and was going to line a 5x5 space with it until I read here even that has it's do's and don't's! So, here I am asking about using USED foylon, there will be wrinkles and who knows what as I haven't unrolled it yet. Better than nothing?
  16. F

    Advice Please on T5's

    Oh ya and I should add that my future concentration will be mainly growing mother plants. So not needing so many of the "flowering bulbs". I am so terrible at being concise in my communications, I do apologise about that.
  17. F

    Advice Please on T5's

    You're right I should have posted everything, sorry about that! I've been posting in other forums here about the different subjects. I do have flowering plants that are not autoflowers. The room is being set up but you see, I only just planted my seeds less than 2 months ago and was...
  18. F

    whts happenin everyone

    Hai and welcome! I like it here and I am new too!
  19. F

    Advice Please on T5's

    I do understand the math... but wondered if it is "good enough for now". Just cuz I wasn't expecting (edit) the plants to flower so soon as they have!
  20. F

    Soaking seeds.

    I have planted around 500 seeds this way in the past few months (ya!) and can count with my fingers how many didn't take! (I wasn't expecting why! hahaha)