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  1. B

    Low scent

    im growing bubbelicious right now, and the smell isnt overwelming but definetly more than my bagseed grow, but its such a pleasant aroma that i keep them around
  2. B

    Best way to go about this?

    Thanks alot hick, i try to keep as close as possible
  3. B

    Best way to go about this?

    ya, im hoping the patience pays off, thanks for the input
  4. B

    Best way to go about this?

    Yes I do know what 2oz are, my 1st grow i got 40 grams per plant vegging from seed for 8 weeks with no ferts or any idea what i was doin for the first 6weeks, now that i know what im doin im setting my goal a little higher
  5. B

    Best way to go about this?

    Aight thanks guys for the input, I guess my main goal was to get 2 oz per plant, i have 3 bubbalicious right now, under a 400 hps and from the looks of the buds 5 weeks in i think ill get 2 oz per plant off these if not more So lets cut it down to 20 plants a light,in 5 gallon buckets, how...
  6. B

    Best way to go about this?

    Ya but im not doin hydro
  7. B

    Best way to go about this?

    Even after vegging clones for 2 months, and 5 gallons of room for roots, you still think i can only pull 50oz from 2 lights?
  8. B

    Best way to go about this?

    I plan on veggin 7-8 weeks after clones root, What should i expect for a yeild per 1k light? I think im gonna do 25 plants under each 1k light, in 5 gallon buckets
  9. B

    Best way to go about this?

    the problem with getting 100 plants under each light would be, i dont think the 2 clone mothers could give me 100 clones each and survive And im hoping I could do better than 50 ounces with both lights
  10. B

    Best way to go about this?

    Whats up guys, been reading around here for a while now. I posted in the introduce yourself. I got a question ive been pondering for a couple weeks now. Im looking forward to my upcoming grow(#3) Im currently growing 3 bubbalicious plants that are 5 weeks away from harvest. I have 2 clone...
  11. B

    whats up

    Ive been visiting here for the last couple days, finally just got registered. Currently growing 3 bubbablicious plants and mystery seed from gypsy nirvana I ve gotten alot of help already from what ive read, this is a great site, keep it up