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  1. Xangxu

    Don't read if weak stomach

    So like... Cats don't do that right? Just asking. O_o
  2. Xangxu

    First time vaping

    Nah, the weed was fine. I've smoked several strains in my pot smoking career and i've never liked the taste of any of the, hense why I always used to carry around a tin of strong mints in my erm... weed kit? lol. Don't get me wrong, I love the smell, but when you burn the stuff it just doesn't...
  3. Xangxu

    First time vaping

    I never thought that herb could taste so lovely.
  4. Xangxu

    VHC: Vaporizer Hitters Club

    I just started vaping yesterday. I feel like a normal person again and nothing beats sipping away on my solo as I watch the stars come out. The best part is how it feels. It's warm with each hit, but not burning like smoke. It's like breathing in the shower steam.
  5. Xangxu

    Do you Still use your Vape??

    I love vaporizers. My solo provides me with the same duration and high that a joint would give me except without the taste, smell, coughing, sore throat, etc... You also don't come up as hard, which is really great. I find smoking can sometimes take you high way too quick, and I always feel...
  6. Xangxu

    First time vaping

    So despite the fact that I love weed, I hate the burning smell, taste, and feel of it. This is why I bought a nice Arizer Solo to try vaporization. The difference was night and day. - no more smelly fingers - no more smoke taste in my mouth for hours - you use way less weed for the same high...
  7. Xangxu

    How cannabis has helped me...

    I was pretty much an alcaholic... I couldn't go to bed unless I had something booze related in me. Usually it was a few beers, or a glass of wine, but it wad at the point where I could down a six pack by myself or drink an entire bottle of wine and still feel fine. When I started smoking...
  8. Xangxu

    Candy crack, anyone????

    My aunt is. She says she hates it when they ask her to pay. As a gamer, I rolled my eyes a little and said, "yup".
  9. Xangxu

    Things to do while stoned

    I am starting to feel like a real hippy these days, but the one constant that I have noticed is the high almost forces me to appreciate little things that we take for granted. Stepping into a hot shower, eating freshly made cookies, watching the evening sky, etc.
  10. Xangxu

    Things to do while stoned

    I recently found out that star-gazing while stoned is really fantastic as well. In fact it's a little dizzying.
  11. Xangxu

    Things to do while stoned

    So I read theough the entire 1000 things to do while high and there wasn't anything that popped out. Mostly it was about doing things that made no sense or were just cliche. As someone who has just started smoking, I think I can contribute some creative new ideas... 1. Play d&d... If you...