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  1. M


    what exactly is LST?
  2. M

    28 days into flowering..

    28 days into flowering and here are my plants.
  3. M

    whats going on?

    so my plants started going really yellow.. its day 15 of flowering and the buds seem to be growing nicely.. but the leaves are yellow.. im thinking over watering cause the soil stayed wet for a while... but maybe someone could tell me the problem.
  4. M

    check it outttttt

    yeah man.. its a 400 watt hps.. i think its at the right distance.. its about 13-15 inches above..
  5. M

    check it outttttt

    soo this is day 53.. got my hps light 2 days ago and i put em under that.. i took two clones as you can see... im hoping those work out.. what do you guys think?
  6. M

    day 45 of vedge...

    yeah so here are my two ladies at day 45.. how do you think they look? i know they are both females from the preflowers.. unless they go hermie on me.. which i hope doesnt happen haha ill be getting my hps in the mail any day now.. CANT WAITTTT to throw these babies into flowering :D
  7. M

    big problem?

    On both of my plants.. the very end of the leaves seem to be curling downwards a bit.. is this a big problem? and does anyone now whats causing it? if someone could help me out itd be greatly appreciated.
  8. M

    Im A Month In

    check out my plants exactly 33 days old.. how do you guys think they are doing?
  9. M

    first grow!

    here is day 24.... what do you guys think? do you think they are stretching up too fast?
  10. M

    first grow!

    yeee thanks uk1... i have a question for you.. are 20-20-20 nutes good? i have no clue which ones to use.. and dvs... i love my plants:D everytime i come home or wake up they are the first thing i check on hahah
  11. M


    i want to pick up some nutes for my plants.. but i need to know what kind? is 20-20-20 good?
  12. M

    first grow!

    yeee thats what im going to do.. maybe a bit lower dont know but definately lower in the dirt.. thanks for the advice bro
  13. M

    first grow!

    heres a little update... its day 17 now.. the plant that was wilting has perked up.. im going to transplant them tomorrow into bigger pots.. sounds like a good idea?
  14. M

    first grow!

    well i already have it under an 18/6 light time haha so hopefully she perks up
  15. M

    first grow!

    lol well i hope its fine.. its just compared to my second plant.. the leaves are hanging down more...
  16. M


    i got some like walmart potting soil.. i dont think there are any ferts in there..
  17. M

    first grow!

    yeah greener you dont really see it.. but the plant is kinda wilting...
  18. M


    you dont see my pictures? i have them under flourecent lights.. and no its not too hot.. i water them every 3 days and as of yet, no nutes.. what should i do?
  19. M


    some bad news boys.. i dont know why, but one of my plants is starting to wilt.. the leaves are slightly lighter too.. anyone tell me whats wrong? i dont want to lose my plant help would be appreciated!
  20. M

    first grow!

    some bad news boys.. i dont know why, but one of my plants is starting to wilt.. the leaves are slightly lighter too.. anyone tell me whats wrong? i dont want to lose my plant help would be appreciated!