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  1. D

    Ionic air purifler Vs Exhaust ventilation

    well i have no other option but too runa vent into the living room. Better then outside the garage door.
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    Ionic air purifler Vs Exhaust ventilation

    Heres a little info, on the product it sounds like it will benifit the plants much greatfully.
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    Ionic air purifler Vs Exhaust ventilation

    Its a typical car port so liek 9 x 4 maybe it will be allright, might just open the garage door a little bit during the day every once in a while when no1 is around. gonna do some reserch on these ionic systems.
  4. D

    male pops up all of a sudden

    I meant the weed that is "around" here for sale has seeds and buds. Cant wait too share my hydro too some so called reall heavy pot heads hehe
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    Take the time to read all the posts for newbys

    I read up 1st but if something doesnt match up with what was writtin i will diffeantly ask.
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    how do l know whats male or female new at this

    Excellant images cheers.
  7. D

    first grow!

    They look excellant, love how people treat their plants like human babies hehe
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    Ionic air purifler Vs Exhaust ventilation

    I was browsing a catalog an come across this ionic air purifler, an thought it was relevant too me not having an ventilation in my garage which someone gracefully brought up in the thread. The prodct discreption says an effective oudor removing air pure system. It silently fills the air with...
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    how do l know whats male or female new at this

    Thanx for your male pic helps heaps. Ya should put a female pic under neath it too show the differance.
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    male pops up all of a sudden

    Is there anything wrong with growing males, apart from the obvious. The weed everyone gets as a standard is male with seeds in it.
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    1st Time Aussie Grower

    An yeha i figure that the bill will raise like $40 per month an too compensate i just dont run the hot water system 24/7 since winter is allmost here, Not really winter just gets cooler at nights like 22 degrease for 2 months of the year. An stinking how everyday other day.
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    1st Time Aussie Grower

    Is there any other way too do so? An sorry too ask again is growing weed that smelly lol. WOuld a fan on circulation do the job? CHeers for the ic learning eveyday new things. Cant wait too setup an show some pics.
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    Why Ask Questions???????

    Every1 has differant circumstances that very the slightest little bit, that will change the out come of a answer no matter how formatible you make those template answers. An anyway the best way too learn is too teach, the more you teach your feild no matter how small of a part it is you are...
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    1st Time Aussie Grower

    Is the smell that bad? or just enough too be obvious. Im going too be setting up in the garage, the garage door will be locked an theres a side door that leads in the 1st part of the living room. How would i go about ventilation in this situation. Thanx for your supplies learning very fast...
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    1st Time Aussie Grower

    can you grow weed in pot plants an just water them indoors, would this be still called hydroponcs ;) lol soz its too early cheers.
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    1st Time Aussie Grower

    Sup all, Ive been reading all these excellant posts on these forums an they are a wealth of knowledge. An since its my 1st post im entitled too a few noobies questions hehehe ;) Ive decided too go for a epp an flow system they seem pretty easy too setup an run, the question i have for...