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  1. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    yeah theyre doing great. i gotta keep my eye out for males now. how hard is it to spot a male? and also when i harvest the plants and start to dry i think im gonna use a tent, since i cant dry indoors. what do you guys think. thanks
  2. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    new pics: HOW TO UPLOAD YOUR PICTURES .... 7. Please try to post all of your pictures on this site. Linking to other sites has inherent risks involved that should be kept to a minimum if at all possible. We have both a Gallery and the ability to post as many as eight pictures with each post you...
  3. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    update: theyre doing great....gotta buy more ferts tho. yeah they're lookin good...i hope for the best....since its my first grow theyre lookin pretty good....when do you guys think it'll start budding? once it starts budding should i switch to like 15-30-15 ferts? thanks "HOW TO"..upload photos
  4. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    yeah i gotta find a better spot....
  5. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    theyre destroyed again.....and i dont think its animals this time.....cause its like fresh straight bite marks or anything.....idk im gonna look for another area to plant in....cause i got more seeds.
  6. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    okay a got more seeds im gonna start germinating them soon in wet paper towel. Is it too late to plant em outdoors? i also took a pics yesterday. thanks
  7. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    update: i fertilized this one and it grew fast.....and my friend got some seeds....gonna try to grow a few more since deer attacked this grow. and i took a pic today:
  8. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    the plants are really deep in a grassy one ever goes here.....
  9. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    i tried finding chicken wire.....but i found this blastic fence.....i think it'll 7' ones.....and some wooden question is how should i make like a way to get in without like cutting the fence.....i put like twisty ties connecting 2 ends.....but it still sux getting...
  10. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    okay....some more bad news......more deer or some animal got to the last of the big i bought some irish spring bar soap and put shavings of a whole bar of it around my plants.....and i plan on trying to get some animal piss (what place would sell this, a hunting store?)....and...
  11. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    okay so a friend of mine is growing a couple of plants indoors, popular named strains.....he knows a decent amount about growing.....he said hell sell me clones and root them for me......but what i want to know, is it bad or harder to grow outside, since they were from indoors.....i dont know...
  12. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    fill a milk jug halfway wit piss, damn. I'm gonna have to start drinking a lot.... :)
  13. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    i found this recipe Guru's Homemade Insecticide: 1 tsp antibacterial dish soap 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper 1/4 tsp ground clove 1 close minced garlic per gallon of water would this help with all bugs, even moths and ****? does shaved bar soap help with deers i also hear coyote or fox piss...
  14. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    yeah this sux big time.....u think they'll survive? if i keep the basterds away?
  15. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    okay it might be a few animals or bugs.....could be deer, grasshoppers, crickets, or moths.....anyone have any help? cause a few times when i went to the plants i saw a lot of moths on a few of my plants and they were flying around my plants. i hear i could sprinkle some garlic powder or...
  16. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    :mad::mad::mad: i have really bad news im so happy for the hungry deer.....something chewed off like most of the leaves on a few of my biggest guess it was prob a deer or some animal, ive seen deer in the woods nearby before..... what can i do to keep deer and animals...
  17. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    actually idk its prob jus new leaf growth.....
  18. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    check out these 2 pics are they showing signs of female plants....idk and
  19. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    okay i used the fertilizer came with a Table spoon.....i tried measuring out a 1/4, but it was kinda hard.....but i think i did a good job.....i watered all my plants with it.....and is it normal for the 1st set of leaves on the bottom to like die....i heard somewhere that they...
  20. X

    First Grow Outdoors

    alright im gonna start some fertilizing tomorrow.....i got some 24-8-16 MG ferts. My question is should i only fert the bigger plants.....or can i start the all of em even tho some are kinda small.....they're all the same age, some of em are just growing slower. thanks