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  1. W

    plant problem..

    Alright well I just moved my girl to a new place to finish out her flowering. the fan leaves are starting to get a goldish tan color on some parts...but not near the tips. Could this be cause the light is too intense? Or its too hot? AND it seems like she has virtually stopped growing the...
  2. W

    updated pics and pre-flowers.

    Thats sand on top of the soil. I heard that would help stop the gnats....but it doesnt haha. I'm using a miracle grow potting mix.
  3. W

    updated pics and pre-flowers.

    First off, this is indica, correct? Alright well, she is 19 days into flowering and is just starting to show her pre-flowers. Is this normal? I thought they were supposed to come a long time ago. She is under 3 two foot long cfl's but I bring her out for sunlight normally everyday. I plan...
  4. W

    Problem with bottom fan leaves :/

    well I went ahead and cut the dead leaves off. I think i've discovered both of my plants' sex. I'll have pics up soon :]
  5. W

    Problem with bottom fan leaves :/

    This is one of the main problems I hear about, but I never read about them cause it hasn't happened to me yet. I can say that it has happened to me. My bottom leaves are starting to wither away. Is this a ph problem?! Or a nute problem?? They have also been in flower for 12 days...
  6. W

    healthy leaves and such..

    Well im only 4 days into flowering. I want to know what the leaves are supposed to look like and feel like. Mine look very nice and are very green...but they feel paper thin. Is this healthy?
  7. W

    Wheres The Thc ?

    How/when did you harvest the plant? and did you dry out the buds?
  8. W

    Just Started

    Well mine were really weak at first too. I put the fan on low...just enough to make the plant move a little. you could use a pencil and some string to hold it up if you wanted but they will beef up on their own as long as the conditions are right.
  9. W

    Just Started

    Put a fan on them. The stems will get beefy and be able to support the weight of your plant. Make it a slight breeze at first though....don't want to stress the plants out or anything.
  10. W

    Just started 12/12....look.

    About a month and a half.
  11. W

    Just started 12/12....look.

    Yeah the branches are not long enough. I agree. Would 3 weeks into flowering be too long? These plants will probably be nice and bushy by then.
  12. W

    Just started 12/12....look.

    Well i have another question.. Would it be too late to take a clone from one of these plants since I started the flowering cycle yesterday? I don't really want to be left with nothing when it comes time to harvest cause i'm going to end up cutting the whole plant down. I don't even think the...
  13. W

    Just started 12/12....look.

    thanks, i'll probably need all the luck I can get haha. I don't even know what I have growing. The seeds I obtained just came from one of my stashes. I know If I buy seeds then I would be guaranteed a good smoke... but i'm guessing you don't always need to go out and buy amazing seeds to get...
  14. W

    Just started 12/12....look.

    They have been vegging for about a month and a half now and are just over a foot tall. Notice the red color on some of the branches in the 3rd pic? Hopefully thats a good thing...
  15. W

    whats the next step..

    Alright thanks. I'm about to post some pics on here. Your imput is wanted for sure.
  16. W

    whats the next step..

    Ahh I see. Grow area is about 3' tall and 5' wide. Its probably good for the size of the plants now but i'm sure i'll need to move them once flowering is in full effect. so about those "bullhorns"... Do they have anything to do with the sex of the plant or do all plants form them?
  17. W

    First Week! Pictures!

    i'm using fluor and I just started flowering today. They are looking very healthy. I would continue using that since its doing me good haha. hps would always be a good upgrade though...
  18. W

    whats the next step..

    Well I have the 2 plants in a fairly large pot. I'm not sure how many gallons this pot holds but it's about 16" tall and 12" across. I would think this is enough room for two.
  19. W

    whats the next step..

    Oh I just did. My bad. Thanks for your help though. would this be a good time to flower or should i wait??
  20. W

    whats the next step..

    I guess not. I just recently registered so I haven't got to check out everything yet. which thread??