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  1. C

    Male/Female question

    Maybe its a Hermie?
  2. C

    Strongest weed you've smoked???

    Well most of the time when I pick up I really dont know what type of weed it is but my faviouts when I knew what it was was Blueberry, Bubblegum, and Madman. I dont know if madman is a real type, but thats what my dealer called it so thats what Im going to go by.
  3. C

    The ABC's of Marijuana Passion - Off-topic game

    C is for calling your dealer because you ran out of bud
  4. C

    Visit from LEO

    Lol yeahh I totally agree here Get here to smoke some dope, then she will feel better. I know I suffer from depression, ive delt with cutting and self harm my whole life, i starve myself because I dont feel the need to live anymore, I feel useless and dead inside, like I misssed something...
  5. C

    Visit from LEO

    Your wife ratted you out? WOAH mod edit! Thats why I haet girls, they dont understand anything at all edit pathetic But good job at getting out of that situation without getting in edit! Hopefully next time you can finsh what you started, and not have someone you love stab you in the back
  6. C

    interesting medical marijuana vid

    "god made grass-man made booze-who do you trust?" What would jesus smoke? He wouldnt, he'd vaporize! Sorry what you said reminded me of that so I had to post it.
  7. C

    Best stoner music

    When me and my budds burn we usually listen to COB, lamb of god, Trivium, pink floyed, led zeppelin, breaking benjamin, Steve Vai, system of a down, Cypress hill, red hot chilli peppers. Theres more but i cant think right now im wayy to sober. WE also listen to Dane Cook, even tho thats not...
  8. C


    My names Sami Im a girl oviously I live in canada I LOVE WEED! I toke every day After christmas Im going to be growing my own plants.
  9. C


    Alright thanks
  10. C


    So im going to start growing for the frist time after christman, indoor, and Im not sure about the seeds. I was wondering how to tell if a seed will grow or not, like is there a way to tell if its muture or not just by looking at it, or am I going to have to just plant it and hope for the best?
  11. C

    do i have males or females? Pics

    Thoes to me look like males But like everyone else is saying, you should deffently wait another week just to make sure. You should go on google and seach how to tell if a plant is male or female so then you can tell yourself.