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  1. D

    Rookie closet test grow

    Are you giving your plants any vitaminwater? If so do thay prefer grape or orange? JK
  2. D

    Intake from outside vs inside

    It seams It would make more sence to us indoor air from your house. the air in your house should have more co2 and less o2 becouse of the people living there and cooking exc exc.... There must be something else in fresh air besides c02 thats benificial to plant's. In an indoor situation we...
  3. D

    Advice wanted on grow situation

    Its like a riddle!
  4. D

    New Grow Room

    look up "mr green" on youtube. most imformative howto video's I've ever seen.
  5. D

    First real Grow with PICS

    look's good. what strain is that?
  6. D

    Intake from outside vs inside

    are you doing anything about bugs?
  7. D

    HELP!!!!!Closet Growing

    your plants look great, considering the setup. any idea on what strain they are?
  8. D

    HELP!!!!!Closet Growing

    any pic's of the light setup? whats the room temp any heat isues?
  9. D

    I got a plant and not sure when to flower ..advice?

    I belive it depends as much if not move on the light strenght than the strain. Giving yourself 2x the curent plant hight is a good place to start for an unfamiliar strain.
  10. D

    Giving plants More light in last 2 weeks?

    I do 10hrs for the last two week. Prob depends on the strain but if you keep it at 12 and the buds are close to the lights you can get some reveg and wrek the buds in some cases. I realy want to try a few days of complet darkness befor the chop.
  11. D

    to trim or not to trim

    trim from the bottom up. all the foliage that's not geting any light.
  12. D

    LST and the Big Fan Leaves

    I do a screen of green set up were I trim the bottom part of the plant, leaf canopy in the middle and buds minus the fan leafs on top. This work very well if you have a small light like a 250w were the light gives less penetration. If you have a larger light like a 400 or biger were you have...
  13. D

    The risky roomate followup...

    Your roomate is not as "risky" as you think. I now the type, they seem to take unncessary risk but they never go down alone. this guy will gladly rat you out and anyone else that he know's of to save his own ***. Also be weary of new freind's that move in from out of town and don't seam to...
  14. D

    Long lasting high?

    look's like all I have to do is find someome with creeper or kind/kine seed. LOL
  15. D

    Long lasting high?

    like I said people that haven't experienced it may find it hard to belive. 7 hours later your wondering when the hell is this stuff going to were off so I can go home. LOL
  16. D

    Hempy Help

    flush the bucket then add epsom salt. One tps in about a half galon of RO water (pour it into the bucket) . you can see results in as little as 3 days.
  17. D

    Long lasting high?

    Any growers outher with any clues?
  18. D

    Long lasting high?

    From what I understand Kind or Kine is just a way of saying it's a designer weed and not brickpacked. What I'm realy looking for is a strain name from some one who has grown this 7 to 8 hour high giving weed.
  19. D

    Long lasting high?

    I would realy like to find this strain. It's realy hard to belive that with all these growers with years of experience growing the best strains available no one knows what strain or feno is responsible for this long lasting high.
  20. D

    Long lasting high?

    Sounds like I'm not alone. I don't remember how long it took to take efect but now that I think about it this weed was probably one of the strongest I've ever had. probably about the same as hydro but you can't mistake being high for seven hours strait. If someone hasen't experienced this...