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She is nice and green and looks happy. I see a spray bottle there....if you are misting the plant, please quit it.

Now that the soil is fixed, tell us about your space--size, type and wattage of lights, ventilation, etc. You still have a long way to go, so let's see if we can head off any problems before they happen and have your space the best it can be for the seeds you have coming.

I was misting but quickly realized it like burns the leaves not a happy plant I just use it now for pouring water into the soil. I'm still using CFL lights 3 that put off 1200 lumens a piece and a florescent grow light I think it said 17 watt I'll have to double check. The space she is in now is 1.5 feet by 3 feet and about 12 feet high but there are shelves I can remove easily. Then there is another section of the closet that is 2.5 by 3 feet 12 feet high as well I have a small fan pulling in air from below and I small fan on a shelf blowing hot air I assume out. Idk seemed practical in my head.
Do you have a way you can enclose it? Even with cardboard painted flat white on the inside.
Get rid of the foil. Regardless of what it looks like, foil is a poor conductor of light. You need to enclose it, as gantt said. I do understand being short on cash, but you are not going to be able to grow a plant though with only 3 1200 lumen CFLs.
Its an emergency blanket is that the same as foil I read that aluminum foil was bad. I had the walls pretty much wrapped in it at one point. Is it better to just paint the walls white cause that I have and can be done easily and yes I have wood I could cut to size to enclose it. Should I like completely close it off or just around the sides?
Ok and lights I could use help with lighting for sure I've read alot but at this point all the info is contradicting itself, so some info from some gentle folks with experience ;). Would probably serve me better.
White flat paint is a great idea. It is the most reflective. Yes, enclose your space and paint it white.
Its an emergency blanket is that the same as foil I read that aluminum foil was bad. I had the walls pretty much wrapped in it at one point. Is it better to just paint the walls white cause that I have and can be done easily and yes I have wood I could cut to size to enclose it. Should I like completely close it off or just around the sides?

No, an emergency blanket is fine. Try to get it as smooth as possible. Any surface that reflects well will work. I prefer flat white paint to about any surface because it is inexpensive, a good reflector and is easy to clean. You will want a reflective surface all the way around, but it does not need to be totally enclosed--you still need air exchange.

Is your goal here to just get this one plant through harvest or do you think that this is something you are going want to do again? This will determine what we recommend to you for lights.
No, an emergency blanket is fine. Try to get it as smooth as possible. Any surface that reflects well will work. I prefer flat white paint to about any surface because it is inexpensive, a good reflector and is easy to clean. You will want a reflective surface all the way around, but it does not need to be totally enclosed--you still need air exchange.

Is your goal here to just get this one plant through harvest or do you think that this is something you are going want to do again? This will determine what we recommend to you for lights.

I definitely want to keep doing so although I'm a little short on cash now I am willing in the near future to lay down some bucks on lighting for sure. So I am very open to a range of suggestions.
If you give space lxwxh and how much money your wanting to spend I'm sure everyone can direct you to a nice setup.
This growing thing is expensive. If we could do it with 3 CFL lights, everyone would be doing it. But unfortunately, it takes a lot more than that. I do try and let new growers know that there IS a reason that cannabis is expensive--it is expensive to set up a grow space (or two), it is hard to grow, and it takes quite a long time--about 4 months from seed to smoke.

It is tougher when funds are limited as there are so many "must haves". CFLs often look good to new growers, but the fact is, when you get as many as you need, they are more expensive to buy, more expensive to power, create more heat, and produce far less bud. Just to give you an idea, the lights you have now are adequate for a space that is only 13" x 13". I really recommend T5 fluoro tubes for flowering. You need a minimum of 3000 lumens per sq ft, with bulbs in the 6500K range. For flowering, and on a budget, HPS is probably best for flowering. You want a minimum of 5000 lumens per sq ft, but most of us run a lot more. You will also need a good quality exhaust fan, an oscillating fan, and misc other things like ducting.
This growing thing is expensive. If we could do it with 3 CFL lights, everyone would be doing it. But unfortunately, it takes a lot more than that. I do try and let new growers know that there IS a reason that cannabis is expensive--it is expensive to set up a grow space (or two), it is hard to grow, and it takes quite a long time--about 4 months from seed to smoke.

It is tougher when funds are limited as there are so many "must haves". CFLs often look good to new growers, but the fact is, when you get as many as you need, they are more expensive to buy, more expensive to power, create more heat, and produce far less bud. Just to give you an idea, the lights you have now are adequate for a space that is only 13" x 13". I really recommend T5 fluoro tubes for flowering. You need a minimum of 3000 lumens per sq ft, with bulbs in the 6500K range. For flowering, and on a budget, HPS is probably best for flowering. You want a minimum of 5000 lumens per sq ft, but most of us run a lot more. You will also need a good quality exhaust fan, an oscillating fan, and misc other things like ducting.

that actually helps in itself quite a bit. Thank you I'll start from that info.:)

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