Drfting's grow '06

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Don't panic it's Organic!
Apr 2, 2006
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Hey guys! Im new here...some of you may know me from overgrow but i thought the best way to show u my talents and weakness is through a grow journal so here it is..I made a growbox and so far its done well! I've planted 25 seeds that germinated in 2 days and sowed them in a 50 cell tray with seedling soil mix and all but one have popped out of the soil in the last three days. I'll have pics of the grow box and my seedlings tonight and an update each week...im very systematic in this way! thanks guys and please feel free to tell me my weekness' and share ur knowledge cuz i still have TONS to learn. Happy trails and happy 4/20!!!
Nice stealth box dude. thats sweet. but...you have too many plants in there. those things are gonna get bushy so you'll end up having to weed them out. Unless your just gettin em ready for an OD grow or something. You will only get about 2 plants all the way through flower in there.
Also those plants are gonna get rootbound fast. in about 2 weeks your gonna have to transplant.
but that is one nice grow box. man.
hey mutt! I'll tell you my plan since i didnt really clear it up. Im gonna choose the best 10 plants out of the whole bunch and give the rest to friends or just toss em. That would happen at week 2 and at that time i'll have 6" pots to transplant to. Since i work at a nursery they are very easy to source. At that point i will let them veg out a lil and try to sex them...then harden them and put them outside in 3 gallon pots. Im hoping to get 6 to 7 healty females in the end result
also i would like to try and keep one in the box but i have no knowledge in training a plant to stay that small
damn ur fast! thanks a bunch man and pray for me i havent done well with babies in the past
That...is a very cool idea. :cool: I try to lay low around my kids, that just might work. How is it ventilated?
the box has 2 12volt fans one suckin air in it and one blowin it out but they are noisy as hell...i have to find a way to keep em silent
they are still gettin bigger...slowly but at least they havent stopped
doesnt any1 wanna say how cool it looks? lol..pics tonite
hmm..gettin bigger each day! I'll deff. post pics todays guys..sorry for the hold up but its there birthday! One week old...awww
Here they are at one week old takin 4/23/06
one more thing they are kinda slow growing...is the small sized tray stunting their growth yet..i'll transplant sooner if it is and if not they are being transplanted next week
they have gotten bigger in the last couple of hours..they are doin just fine
High, doing my grow in the almost same way, Iam using a 45 gallon rubbermaid tub with 400 watts of fluoro's, for pots Iam using rubbermaid totes thing there like the things you would wash up in if camping or wash dishes in while camping, etc. there 6 inches deep 14 inches width and 23inches in length. I rectangle shaped (not round or squared) I drilled holes for drainage also drilled holes on the lip around the edge and screwed in some screws which are the anchors for when I tied the plants branches down. The plants all took the shape of the rubbermaids rectangle shape with level canopy which is important with fluoro's. Iam going into 5 weeks flower with 17 top buds on each plant so 24 top buds in all the size of my thumb 1-2 inches from the fluoro's. 2 plants that have been "LST'd" and pruned and the height is of them is 7 inches tall with frosty buds, so yes you can flower in them you have to do alot of bending of branches and tieing to secure. I have a 50 cfm computer fan on top of my lid exhausting and 2 small computer fans connected to pvc pipe pumping the fresh air in. I cut 3 holes at the bottom side of the 45 gal. tub and conncted 3 pvc 90 degree bends with the insides painted black, my computer fans are connnected to the pvc from inside the box. Inside the box was painted flat white so no dealing with taping mylar or foil, yield well I never weigh my stuff but last grow I only had 1 plant in there and got 2 oz.( estimate guess) with 300 watts of fluoro's, well over 50 watts a sq. foot. Make sure you use warm whites for flower. good luck and keep 1-2 inside the box and be smoking some your own while the outside ones take the summer to finish.

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