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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2011
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Hey there all you lovely people!

Just a quick question from a noobie, I see people talking about their EC/PPM and I actually have a reader for that I've just never bothered using it because to be honest I have no idea what it's all about lol but I figured I'd ask all you people out there if you could please explain what it's actually used for and what it does ect.


its a measurement of dissolved solids in solution. its rated by either EC - electricial conductivity, or PPM - parts per million. its mainly an issue for hydroponic folks, its what they use to gauge how happy the nutrient solution is. if you're growing in soil you can basically ignore it but methinks other people will take issue with that.

hope that helps some...
Yeah OSG is right...if you are in soil you can pretty much forget about that stuff....unless you hve really really bad water.

EC, TDS, PPM are basically three different ways to monitor how much dissolved solids are in your water/nutes. TDS is total dissolved solids. In hydro it is pretty much a must to hve a meter that reads at least one of those. For soil you can go with just a PH meter.

If you are looking to get meters look here>>
Just an amendment not a disagreement...For anyone using liquid nutrients (store bought as opposed to homemade organics) for feeding their plants, knowing how much nutrient (chemical level) that yu have in a given amount of water (usually per gallon or per litre) is very important so as not to starve yer plants (if in soilless medium), or burn them, or create a ph imballance or nutrient lockout by having the wrong concentration of chemical nutrients...Concentration is the key here. A TDS meter gives yu a fairly close idea, almost like a percentage of the chemical concentration. The precise numbers on the meter don't matter as much as knowing that for a given plant and a given nute brand that 600ppm just happens to be the right concentration that makes yer plant happy, and 700ppm burns it at this point. It allows yu to fine tune yer chemical nutes for yer plants. For instance, if yu find the 600ppm is just right for yu, 600ppm may be too high for me if I am using a different brand or different strain of plant. It serves to give yu reference points for dialing in yer concentration... I hope I am making sense as I just took some meds earlier and I get a little scientific sometimes.
Hushpuppy said:
For anyone using liquid nutrients (store bought as opposed to homemade organics) for feeding their plants, knowing how much nutrient (chemical level) that yu have in a given amount of water (usually per gallon or per litre) is very important

:yeahthat:Knowing how much of what is in your solution is important, soil or hydro. If you have the meter, why not use it? Google 'electrical conductivity' and have yourself a good read...:)
Hushpuppy said:
Just an amendment not a disagreement...For anyone using liquid nutrients (store bought as opposed to homemade organics) for feeding their plants, knowing how much nutrient (chemical level) that yu have in a given amount of water (usually per gallon or per litre) is very important so as not to starve yer plants (if in soilless medium), or burn them, or create a ph imballance or nutrient lockout by having the wrong concentration of chemical nutrients...Concentration is the key here. A TDS meter gives yu a fairly close idea, almost like a percentage of the chemical concentration. The precise numbers on the meter don't matter as much as knowing that for a given plant and a given nute brand that 600ppm just happens to be the right concentration that makes yer plant happy, and 700ppm burns it at this point. It allows yu to fine tune yer chemical nutes for yer plants. For instance, if yu find the 600ppm is just right for yu, 600ppm may be too high for me if I am using a different brand or different strain of plant. It serves to give yu reference points for dialing in yer concentration... I hope I am making sense as I just took some meds earlier and I get a little scientific sometimes.

Well said. It is not something that is imperative in soil grow. Really you just need a good Ph metering tool. To measure your water and water/feed mixtures, maybe your runoff. Preferably not the strips or dual prong lumen/moisture/Ph meters. Right Hamster?
Potential Hydrogen -PH- Measure of acidic or basic properties of the water or soil, measure of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions.

Parts per million -PPM- Pretty self explanatory.

Total dissolved salts -TDS- As it says, measure of dissolved salts.

Electrical conductivity -EC- Measures conductive properties of the water/soil or whatever you're testing.

Increased salts in your nutrient increase your electrical conductivity (NaCl, Sodium is a metal and has conductive properties). The more salt the higher the conductivity. When the plant tries to absorb nutrients the Chlorine parts ways with the Sodium and is taken in by the plant where it will build up to toxic levels when in a high salt environment.
Just a little addition to what has been said about EC. EC< TDS and PPM all relate to the same thing, the amount of salts/chemicals in a solution with water. The ONLY constant measurement is EC. Most PPM meters measure the EC then do a mathematical calculation to work out the PPM of TDS, the problem is, not all meters give the same reading. Many, such as the "Trounchen" give several readings, all of which are "correct".

I find it all a PITA, stick with EC, that way, if I give you some cuttings and say dont go over an EC of 1.5, you know what I mean but if I say dont go over 1250ppm, I will also have to tell you which meter I used and which scale. All this makes a mockery of quoting something that should be a static measurement.

Well the EC meter was one of my best buys. I use soil. And knowing how much food i give is very good thing. Same for PH meter. I bought both and each one cost me 59&#8364; digital and waterproof material.
Thank you all for the replies, that cleared up pretty much everything which I was wondering!

The one which I have is the trounchen, it came with a setup which I bought but as I'm growing in soil I never used it and just used a PH meter. I can see why people would use them, I might aswell use it even if it's every once in awhile to check on things.
Use it mnore than often if you have already acquired it. Hammers arent 'sometimes' used to drive nails are they? OK OK pnuematic tools blah blah blah, you get the point.
AlkaloidContent said:
Use it mnore than often if you have already acquired it. Hammers arent 'sometimes' used to drive nails are they? OK OK pnuematic tools blah blah blah, you get the point.

I will be using it, like I said I have it so I might aswell. No point in not using it really.

Now have a:48:.. :aok:

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