Feco oil help!!!

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Apr 7, 2006
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East Coast
Hey I have a Vietnam vet that I've known for years. He has COPD and has started to use oxygen and I want to make a % or my crop into feco oil for him just to help him out. Anyone ever have experience with COPD and feco any tips or tricks will be much appreciated he's to good of a soul for this world to leave it yet and had a scare today spending time with him :(
I have made tincture before with everclear. I don’t recall how long I soaked it though but I think it was over night. I guess FECO is just tincture that you evaporate the alcohol out of. Sorry. Not much help but I hope you are able to get some to your friend.
If you use any solvent other than pure grain alcohol, you have to make extra sure to get all of the solvent evaporated. Which just requires adding a little extra water near the end to ensure there is no solvent left. The closer to the boiling point the solution gets, the less solvent that is left in the oil.
Just remember that the alcohol fumes are flammable! So plenty of ventilation is recommended. I do it outside.
After decarbing, I soak it in alcohol for a couple of days in the freezer before starting the actual extraction process.
I use an old crock pot and keep the lid canted to allow the steam to flow out. A wooden or plastic spoon works well to put under the lid. I've had it pop back down with out something to keep it lifted a bit.
I've made it, both with and with out Lecithin. My latest batch was with out and it is not as strong as it normally is. So all future batches will have the lecithin added. That's just my experience with it. Your experience may be slightly different.
Evaporating a little extra water off is better in my opinion than having to add water back because it went too long and dried out completely. Again, that's just me.
good luck!
Hey I have a Vietnam vet that I've known for years. He has COPD and has started to use oxygen and I want to make a % or my crop into feco oil for him just to help him out. Anyone ever have experience with COPD and feco any tips or tricks will be much appreciated he's to good of a soul for this world to leave it yet and had a scare today spending time with him :(
The simplest an safest without a big equipment investment would be to use a ethanol QWET extraction:


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