Floater Scrog...A different approach to Scrogging

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Scrog Connoisseur
Dec 3, 2023
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Don't waste your time vegging a plant into the screen on a scrog. Let the screen grow along with the plant.

So I've done a lot of scrogs in the past. One of the biggest issues I had with it was the fact the plant is locked in under the screen. This can be a mess with any issues like pests or mildews. You need the ability to move plants when needed. These floaters allow that to happen.

Another benefit is it's faster than a normal framed scrog. No waiting on the plant to fill the screen. Just place it and run with it.

Today I'm using common wire fencing cut into 20"x21" squares to control plants and make them give me all they have to offer. The squares on the screen are 2"x3". I'd not suggest any smaller.

Setup for a floater begins in the early stages. I train my young plants secondary growth outwards in all directions. This provides a nice base for the floater screen.
A normal seed grow..

Flowering clones are a little more beefy...

Once the plant is strong enough to support the screen I place a 12"x12" floater on top to continue training all growth outwards towards the perimeter of the screen.

The floater is centered on top of the plant and I often secure it down in the beginning. Soon the plant will grow into it and then the tie down can be released. This allows the screen to grow with the plant.

Just before they go into the flower tent the training floater is replaced with the standard 20x21 floater. No tie down needed. Just center the screen and shimmy it down into the canopy. Then pull all growth outwards again.

I continue pulling growth under for the first 10days of 12/12. After that I let them go. The floater screen will grow with the plant as it flowers. Supporting it all the way.

There are a few options when it comes to what type canopy your seeking.

The key is training time spent in early flower. If you want a low compact carpet type screen then train the plants under for a solid 2.5-3wks.

If you want a taller more deep canopy then only train under for roughly ten days. This is the option I prefer. I can have all my tall growth on the perimeter while the smaller growth that would have been hidden below can now emerge from the center.

A example above. Notice the canopy of the front plant compared to the one less trained.

Both options are great. The canopy is going to receive full light no matter what so it's a win win either way.

I run 4 floaters in one 4x4 space. Double that for my 4x8. To me each plant should have its own 2x2 space to get the most out of the plant. This method definitely does that.

All 4 of these plants are in different stages of flower and are all different strains. With the floaters I can get away with this freedom of movement.

Since converting to these floaters I've seen my harvests go from 5-6oz a plant to 6-12oz. Productive and mobile. It's a great way to grow and get all you can get from a plant.

One important rule in scrogging. Less is More. Which boils down to give your plant a 2x2 space to grow. She will love it and reward you well.
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So I can’t tell so to be certain did you top these?

And when you stretch the branch flat those nice buds are off the branches not just from the tips?
No, I never top plants. If it's a seed grow it's trained down early. I just guide the main stem where I want it to go.

Exactly. Those branches produce bud sites. That is the purpose of early training and the floaters. If a branch is laid over it will kick out new branching and bud sites as it continues to grow uninterrupted.

Screens give ya total control of the plant. Direct light on the entire canopy is priceless and just makes sense.
No, I never top plants. If it's a seed grow it's trained down early. I just guide the main stem where I want it to go.

Exactly. Those branches produce bud sites. That is the purpose of early training and the floaters. If a branch is laid over it will kick out new branching and bud sites as it continues to grow uninterrupted.

Screens give ya total control of the plant. Direct light on the entire canopy is priceless and just makes sense.
Thanks I see now. I decided to use my green light, I forgot I had, to tuck the tops now.

As for topping after you have explained it all unless I get a bigger tent i will probably be topping. If I get a 4x4 I will probably try a net untopped. I just don’t think I have the distance to run a main cola this way with 4 plants in a 3x3
Thanks I see now. I decided to use my green light, I forgot I had, to tuck the tops now.

As for topping after you have explained it all unless I get a bigger tent i will probably be topping. If I get a 4x4 I will probably try a net untopped. I just don’t think I have the distance to run a main cola this way with 4 plants in a 3x3
It's whatever your comfortable with. We get it done either way.
Tangie 11/14

Another successful floater complete. This was the first floater I did less training on in early flower. I split the screen to see the difference in growth and I'm liking what I see.

I trained down one side one week longer than the other. I got taller colas in the back. These taller colas are the ticket I've been seeking and I'll replicate that as I am with the Cap Junky right now.

I love how this floater just grew with the plant as it flowered. Supporting and training the plant along the way. Man, this saves so much time and effort for scroggers.

Most scroggers wait for a plant to grow into the screen. I place a floater on top and Bam I'm flowering. No waiting in this game.

I'm expecting 10oz+ from this girl. That hanger is pretty damn heavy compared to my latest Durban Poison harvest.



My harvest numbers have been consistently going up as I tweak this method. It's definitely a game changer when it comes to Scrogging and an option that keeps your garden plants mobile, trained, and supported all the way.
Floater tip...

The goal is to get all them colas that will carry some weight, take up space, and get taller towards the perimeter of the screen.

All that growth in the center which would normally be shaded below...will rise. Adding even more buds to your canopy.

Cap Junky
Floater screens rock!
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Where did you get the straight CJ. All I can find is crosses.
From a breeder on another grow forums. They were in the lot of seeds from their veterans giveaway. They sent me about 100 seeds of many strains.

OG...Overgrow forums. Great info on growing and man they just giveaway great genetics with trading, raffles, giveaways, ECT. Everything I'm growing is OG seed.

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