Gmo's momma and clone room

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Ganja Farmer
Bud of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2007
Reaction score
Finally got my mom and clone room setup how I had envisioned it. I had completely run out of room in my 2'x2' tent. I took the time yesterday night to get my 3'x3' wired and setup:

2x Mars Hydro TS1000
Clip on fans
Extractor/carbon filter
DIY fogponic clone machine

Right now I have:
2 momma's of Itre95 that have been topped numerous times (approximately 90 days from being rooted out from their donors)
1 Fireasfuck (FAF) Tiki cut in 3g fabric pot
2 Itre95 cuts in the humidity dome. 1 from each mom plant. They were taken on 3/28, so day 22 since cutting and no roots yet. The moms took 24 days to show roots
In the fogponic cloner:
1 each (total of 3) of each GMO x GTH that are currently in my larger tent
2 of the back right GMO x GTH that is currently in my larger tent
1 each of the Itre95 from the momma plants.

This will be an ongoing thread of genetics that I chose to keep around. I have some other very interesting cuts on the way :)
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Finally got my mom and clone room setup how I had envisioned it. I had completely run out of room in my 2'x2' tent. I took the time yesterday night to get my 3'x3' wired and setup:

2x Mars Hydro TS1000
Clip on fans
Extractor/carbon filter
DIY fogponic clone machine

Right now I have:
2 momma's of Itre95 that have been topped numerous times (approximately 90 days from being rooted out from their donors)
1 Fireasfuck (FAF) Tiki cut in 3g fabric pot
2 Itre95 cuts in the humidity dome. 1 from each mom plant. They were taken on 3/28, so day 22 since cutting and no roots yet. The moms took 24 days to show roots
In the fogponic cloner:
1 each (total of 3) of each GMO x GTH that are currently in my larger tent
2 of the back right GMO x GTH that is currently in my larger tent
1 each of the Itre95 from the momma plants.

This will be an ongoing thread of genetics that I chose to keep around. I have some other very interesting cuts on the way :)
View attachment 294334
Cool new clone toy
Momma Itre95s getting some water today. These 2 have been in soil for 88 days now. They are due for a other trimming soon and are receiving week 4 GH veg nutrients at low dosage every watering. Still waiting on roots to show on the original cuts I took off of them 27 days ago. The cuttings seem happy, but no roots yet.

FAF clone looking good and starting to show new growth. It's been in soil for 6 days now.

Fogponic cloner seems to be working well. All the cuts are healthy and I'm betting that some show roots this week. Most of the cuttings were taken 6 days ago.

Clone dome cuttings on. As previously mentioned the 2 Itre95 cuts have been in there for 27 days. I do see very, very slow new growth coming in on both. The other cut is from one of the GMO x GTH plants that I just switched to flower.
Wow, that's a long time to wait for a clone. Not sure I would be willing to wait four weeks for one to root unless I didn't have any seeds.
@CrashMagnet the first round, now momma plants, showed roots at 24 days. I can't believe that they're taking even longer this time. The long wait inspired me trying a new method (fogponic a) to see if I can get them to root any quicker.
Starting to see some white bumps on cut end on some of the cuts in the fogponic cloner. Roots must be right around the corner. We're at day 12 now.
Still no signs of roots on any of the cuts in rapid rooters in the humidity dome. That means it's been 34 days for the 2 Itre95. They're becoming a PITA. Hopefully the fogponic cloning on that strain is quicker, I'll lose patience if not and may discard the strain, which would be a bummer because the flower is real good.
FAF cut is showing lots of healthy new growth. It'll become a mother plant that I take cuts off of to veg and flower out in the future.
The Itre95 momma's have decided they like to be fed and watered EXACTLY every 72 hours. I trimmed off another 15ish tops off of each of them a couple of days ago. They're both shaping up real nice. Someday they'll be flowered out if I can ever get their trimmings to root up.

Coming this month:
Stardawg (Corey cut)
Pure Kush
91 Chem
Mr. Nice
Sour Diesel (AJ Cut)
Don Mega
Not the best pictures, but these 2 momma's took roots 100 days ago! They've been topped and trimmed and shaped numerous times at this point.

Still waiting on roots to show in the fog cloner. The bottoms are swollen and I see root bumps on 5/6. I really hope they show soon. I'm losing hope with my cloning skills and need a win!

I've given up on the cuts in the rapid rooters. They keep spitting itty bitty new growth, but no roots. We're at day 39 since cuttings were taken. At this point they're just around because I haven't chucked em.
First roots out of the fog cloner. Hoping the rest aren't too far behind. This one is one of the males from my current GMO x GTH grow and will be discarded.
Fireasfuck mom is getting some LST. Will be topping and taking cuts in a couple weeks for a future grow.
New additions to my mom room:

Hollywood Pure Kush
Chem D
Sour Diesel (AJ Cut)
Took a cut off of the FAF and another of Itre95. Placed both in fog cloner. Took longer cuts this time. Let's see if that makes any difference in my success rates...
Woo, woo! New strains added to the growing collection. I moved the clone dome and the fog cloner in to the 2x2 tent and got it all setup to house my cloning and quarantine operations. Let's see if I can get roots!

New additions:
91 Chem (skva cut)
Mr. Nice
Pie Face

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