Help with strains for debilitating arthritis??

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Good post Straycat. Insightful. I wish your brother well.
My best wishes to everyone who is either suffering or has someone they love constantly in pain.
I would like to offer my experiences with Crohnes desease.
One of the pills I take is called azathioprin, which is also give to patients with severe arthritis.

One of the things I discovered during that visit was the way the Dutch use mj in hospitals, they give it to patients, such as those recovering from operations, in the form of a vapour bag (from a vapouriser) and have documented evidence that mj triples the effect of "normal" medication. So a patient is less likely to become addicted to opiates. After my last operation last summer, I was on a self administered morphene "doser". If you feel pain, you press the button and get a shot of morphene. The same things are used worldwide however what they discovered in Holland was that patients who also used mj used 1/3 the amount of morphene, thereby reducing their risk of addiction.

I did some "experiementing" of my own with my medication, I am on several other drugs besides the az but found that when I smoke NL, I dont need the same level of pain killers or az. Yes, 1/3 my normal dose.

Some strains are not as good, such as lemon skunk, big bud, wonder woman and a few others. I put this down to their high THC but low CBD & CBN levels. It has been proven that high levels of CBD or CBN are better for some elements of pain relief and this seems to be the key.

I just get annoyed that for the last 60+ years medical research has grown exponentially, yet not with mj purely based on spite, bigotry, fear, greed and lies. Lets hope the research proves what we all know and this wonderful plant is freed from its shackles.

I was a pain managment patient for 10 years as well as on and off a methadone clinic for 20 years.. I have had some experience in the pain department.. Personally for me.. MJ never helped aliviate pain. on the contrary. MJ magnified my feelings weather pysical or mental. When I was a kid at 14 and smoked for the first time.. MJ made me very euhporic. in that I mean,.. I laughed alot.. played around. ect.. As I look back I dont think it was the strain as much as my mentality of being a adolesent. Later in life there were times when MJ could make me quite paranoid or over self concious. I dont take narcotic opiods for any reason. If I can get by with a non narcotic or anti anflamatory. I am far better off.. I am an addict but have been clean almost 10 years now.. But I am not a maryter either.. If I have to have a surgury or I am in debilitating pain.. I would rather choose to take a narcotic been weaned off of it in the end than just plain suffer. There are many non narcotic medications and many narcotic. some pure narcotic some with narcotic antagonists that work for many people.. Dilaudid as you mentioned is a great drug for pain.. the problem with it is that it has a short half life and orally is not that effective. I wish the best to you and your brother.. Hero

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