Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Hey they banned fishing in local coastal waters because the temps might get into the high 20s !-- Must be something wrong with me cause ain't nobody got to tell me not to go fishing when it is this cold !
I'd hit that !-- Just got thru catching up on the news !-- Them people in Iran tearing it up in the streets all over they country to show they displeasure with they government !-- I guess we could be doing the same thing soon ? -Them tweets getting scary !--- I'm need more cases of molotov -- I mean wine bottles ! -- I ain't standing on the sidelines for this fight !-- U ain't my King !
I better just take some more caps and stay away from the news !-- I got a wall and your deep state for ya right here ! --
Sorry for that outburst ! -- It was in me and it had to come out !-- I'm done !--I be alright Caps - Snow Desiel and da blues ? --Take my thoughts away from that low life wanna be dictator !
Rose I got a female PH-X-BBSL -- Now if she'll make Purple bud with some Blackberry -- That's my Purple Rose !-- As U can tell momma pack a punch and BBSL post to make everything better ? -- Good Luck with that but I got to knows ? -- I got cuts in veg just in case !-- She show Purple bud I cut them up ! --Got 3 more to sex !-- Keep the best --Leave the rest !
Airlock on my Apple Wine has hardly moved today !-- Ain't fooling me !-- It ain't finished !-- Temp dropped and fermentation slow way down !-- Ain't my first rodeo !
Keef that looks delicious purple haze be looking sweet
Hi Rose yep I am just an ol Hippie I think that is why when I look at the bong it is silicone...how will we dispose of it. Silicone one of those things that lives for ever...smokes good though....:48:.....
Shelter me Lawd underneath your wings !-- Tab Benoit and Joe Bonnamassa made me forget all about what's his name !-- I'm sure the pipe and them Hooga-Booga caps mighta helped a little too !--
She purdy Cane !-- Now I'm digging thru her seed fathered by Black Berry Snow Lotus looking for that plant that make Purple bud with blackberry smoke !-- Might not be there but I kinda think it will be !-- I'm a cloner !-- Just give me a girl and I take it from there !-- Speaking of which !-- That Snow Desiel up there got a drive by from the BBSL too and I have a beautiful girl !-- I took half dozen cuts from "Black Snow" -yesterday !-- This one I have high hopes for !--
Not sure but I might be high enough to tell U the daughters of Waldo that BBSL male are 9 strong all with different moms and counting !- ( maybe another half dozen ?)-- Might not be a recommended breeding technique but U they said he was a super male !-- U can't be telling people like me stuff like that with the girls I got ! -- Sometimes people tell U stuff that sounds like B--S to U and turns out they was right ! -- I am impressed !-- Now that don't mean I'm be believing everything I hear from now on !
Morning O.F.C. !-- That talk of medicine yesterday put me back in the OR in my dreams last night !-- I'm not a flesh mechanic anymore ! -- I'm pot farmer now !-- --Stay out my mind !-- 33 at the beach !-- I don't understand how U guys do it !-- My respect !-- I had a Puerto Rico map pulled up last night !-- I can't go much farther south on the mainland and dis cold sheet ain't for me ! -- My aches got pains !-- I predict an extended Wake and Bake !-- Lights must be on but I'm not even up to a peek yet !
Morning OFC. Cold for sure. Hauling soil and water yesterday has my back screaming today. Some bong rips help the muscles relax, but then I'm not interested in doing much.
Hauling water ? --Right up there with trimming !-- I feel ya Umbra !-- Moving real slow and the hits slowing me down ain't a problem !-- I pulled that muscle in my back a couple weeks ago and it seems to be mad with me this morning !

More bud porn ?-- U know some got a while to go ?-- I seem to be a little lit up so forgive me if they upside down or got 2 of the same plant !

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morning ofc,,,,cold as a witches tit,,,,,,even the dogs don't want to go out ,,,,
It is cold for you southern folks. If your feeling sorry for yourself, i bet i am the only one in the ofc that has to have a slamagram this morning.That would be mammogram in polite society. They are barbaric still.
It is 29 here and threatening rain, that won't be good. Boy, i am a ray of sunshine this morning. Let me try again...

Good morning, what's in your pipe? I have green lotus in mine. I love our dogs, don't ya all just love your dogs? Carry on.
31 here Zig !-- Those that deal with this all the time don't see the big deal !-- The big deal it is cold as a witches -- We don't do cold like this !-- The blower fan on my central air unit went out but I got the oven on low with the door open !-- Whatever it takes !-- Power goes out I go get my Coleman stove !-- The Cold --No Bueno !
I'd love them more Rose If they would go outside !-- Over by the door is not close enough to outside for me !-- Rose U had enough THC /CBDs in your system long enough I think U probably immune to cancer !-- Slamagram ? -- I think that is an appropriate description of the procedure !-- Premedicate ! -- U be O.K. they always say "U might feel some pressure " !
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