I have forgotten when to spray my apple trees Help

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Who was that Guy
Mar 23, 2022
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I'm coming Home Son
Can anyone who has fruit trees( Apple is what I am interested in)
I seem to have forgotten when and what to use to spray my trees with over the yrs.
Can anyone who has fruit trees refresh me, and best product to use in a sprayer.
Also when, ie : after flowers fall and etc
Thanks so much
This is the only thing i found to work on my fruit trees for bugs.

Mostly was my peach trees. Dont really have any problems on my Apple and Pear trees. Sometimes my apple trees will have some Aphids but that spray takes care of that.
I had a few apples on a young tree I grew from seed going on approx 7 yrs now 15 ft high lots of flowers this year.
But the apples that survived had bugs inside , does not the bug lay eggs soon after flower that grow and feed on the apple until the end?
I apply my first dose after it drops its flowers and starts to fruit. Then i will apply another dose when the fruit is fully developed but not ripe.
I was losing lots of peaches to worms until i started using the spray above. After using that spray i didn't find hardly any worms at all.
I took down my peach trees because they were such a pain in the ass but i have two apple and two pear trees.
I apply my first dose after it drops its flowers and starts to fruit. Then i will apply another dose when the fruit is fully developed but not ripe.
I was losing lots of peaches to worms until i started using the spray above. After using that spray i didn't find hardly any worms at all.
I took down my peach trees because they were such a pain in the ass but i have two apple and two pear trees.
Sounds like a plan I may squeeze a third app in there too buggy here
Hmmm, must be a regional issue. I'm busy fighting Japanese Beatles. As soon as I plant the garden flea beatles move in...later mites and aphids but the Japanese Beatles are terrible here.....they devour plants and trees. They love roses, beans, grapes and several other tasty plants. In the spring before the become adults they will destroy the grass by eating the roots. I have put two applications of grub killer down already....had to reseed several areas in the yard.
Hmmm, must be a regional issue. I'm busy fighting Japanese Beatles. As soon as I plant the garden flea beatles move in...later mites and aphids but the Japanese Beatles are terrible here.....they devour plants and trees. They love roses, beans, grapes and several other tasty plants. In the spring before the become adults they will destroy the grass by eating the roots. I have put two applications of grub killer down already....had to reseed several areas in the yard.
I try not to use most pesticides due to the dogs
I lost my last one to an unexplainable Brain cancer at almost 5
I found the only thing that works for me with Japanese beetles are those hormone traps. Don't put 'em close to the garden. Put 'em a ways away. During peak time, I have to replace the capture bag two to three times a day. Keep a bucket of water to drown 'em in close by.
Make sure you've got a fresh bag or no bag on at night 'cause the coons love to rip them open and eat the beetles. Yuck.

There'll be naysayers that claim the traps don't work. Sorry, but I know better.
I found the only thing that works for me with Japanese beetles are those hormone traps. Don't put 'em close to the garden. Put 'em a ways away. During peak time, I have to replace the capture bag two to three times a day. Keep a bucket of water to drown 'em in close by.
Make sure you've got a fresh bag or no bag on at night 'cause the coons love to rip them open and eat the beetles. Yuck.

There'll be naysayers that claim the traps don't work. Sorry, but I know better.
They work but if you put off emptying them, there is quite an unpleasant smell emanating from the bag.

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