Is this a Hermie?

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Hi Starbuck. A hermie is short for hermaphrodite. It when a female plant produced a male part that looks just like a banana thus nanner is a word used for plants that have hermid . That nanner can produce pollen. That pollen pollinates all the female plants around it and really can pollinate the world in my opinion. Sometimes the pollen is sterile, that is what i hear, in my three experiences with nanners or hermies they were very fertile. And yes, i am bitter. lol

Hope that helps and welcome to MP! Glad your here/
Rose you really wouldn't have liked the MK Ultra that I grew. Every plant I grew threw nanners like mad. It started throwing nanners about the same time it started developing buds and didn't stop until harvest. :( I can't swear to it but I think it was still throwing nanners even after drying it :eek: Just kidding about that but they sure became more noticeable.
I believe you would have lost it before finding out that they were all sterile nanners. I rarely got more than a couple seeds develop from them. People liked it but I didn't care for it myself. It yielded good though.
Wicked I had no idea they could do that! Mother Nature will alway find a way to keep things going! Thanks Rose its good to be here! I'm new at growing so I'll be asking lots of questions

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