Logging out issue.

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Smoke Free Zone.
May 24, 2007
Reaction score
Hello guys :)

I am using firefox to access the forum.

It doesn't matter how many times I log out I am always logged in when I re load firefox, any idea's?

I have unchecked the 'remember me' but everytime fox loads, I am in live as a member.

I am using the latest version of firefox and just logged out and then brought MP up and I was not logged in. It had the log in box up but I didn't automatically get logged in. Hope that helps.
Thanks Hammy, I will have to try and sort this out, dont want the Mrs accidently logging in with the kids eyes around.

FF just updated to 3.6 but makes no difference, if I cannot sort it out I will have to uninstal FF and use another server.

i use winblows hippy, and i'm always logged in too. been that way since coming back here. i cant log out at all. i dont really care about it cause no one uses my pc, and i'm just glad to be here...:)
Firefox has it's own "remember me" function.
Log out, clear your cookies using Ccleaner or something similar and it should sort you right out HIE.
I dont log out either..I forgot my passcode:giggle:
I found the cure, log out, clear history and it deletes the cookie, so even when you log out the forum and it says you are out, you are not actually out on some servers.

HippyInEngland said:
I found the cure, log out, clear history and it deletes the cookie, so even when you log out the forum and it says you are out, you are not actually out on some servers.


Good to know......thanks
HippyInEngland said:
I found the cure, log out, clear history and it deletes the cookie, so even when you log out the forum and it says you are out, you are not actually out on some servers.


It's actually not MPs server...it's the cookies on your computer that log you in immediately upon return. Happens faster then you eyes can see LOL

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