my new babies

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Hi Glauc. How you doing? This is fun, remember that.:eek: I use shultz on my African violet and it loves it. That is the dose on the bottle THG. I have used it for that for 30 years. ha.

THG really knows her stuff, she will never lead you astray.I use roots organics for nutrients. People have had good results with Fox Farm nutes. I haven't used them. I do use Fox farm soil and if you do, you don't need any fertilizer for 4 weeks at least.

I love my 4 bulb T5. I know veg 24 hours, i fought it, but now i do it and it is better. It will fit in your closet just right. Here is a pic. DSCF1043.JPG.

Keep asking questions and reading and let us know how we can help.
Your room is over 21 sq ft--this is NOT a small space. To adequately light that space you are going to need at least 105,000 lumens--you really need a 1000W HPS for that much space. However, if you only have 4 plants you could probably make your space smaller and run a 600W HPS--maybe have separate spaces for vegging and flowering. I love T5s for vegging. Amazon has a 600W with a digi ballast in a cooltube for under $200.

In addition, you are going to need to look at some kind of centrifuge type fan to exhaust air. I would not go smaller than a 6" that moves 400-500 cfm.
Glaucoma said:
My grow room is a 48"L x 64"H closet
Your measurement says 48inches long by 64inches high. If yu meant wide then THG is right, but if yu meant 64inches high, then what is the width(or depth)? I know some closets are like 4feet wide(facing it) and about 28inches deep, and about 7feet high to match the height of the ceiling of the outer room. If this is the case for yu then yu will not need quite so much light:) just checking:hubba:
Good catch Hushpuppy--maybe I should have done the wake and bake this morning....
sorry here is this better. 17"w front to back, 48"L right to left, and 64"H floor to ceiling.
Shoot for 3,000 lumens per sqft in veg / 5,000 lumens per sqft flower

your room comes out around 5.66sqft x 5,000L = 28,333 lumens.

The average lumens ive seen for 250w Hps' are anywhere from 26,000-29,000L

Lookin green!
so u mean to tell me that all i need is a 250 or a 400 good enough
because if ur trying to tell me that all i need to flower my plants is a 250 watt then thats even more better and cheaper
Given the amount of space a 250 would work but if you step it up to the 400 you will have better results and you can get one for round 130 bucks on ebay:cool:
If you're not exhausting out of the closet, you will be pushing it with a 250w let alone 400w. It will get pretty hot in there.
Get as big as you can and use good ventilation. You won't be sorry. Wish i had gone big from the beginning. Now my house looks like a light store.
I do have an exhaust. I have an exhaust on the top of my door and i have a 2" round circle at the bottom of my door with a 2" tube running to my ac that have on to keep the temp in my closet at about 75*F. I also have two "desk" fans, one on top blowing down and one on the floor blowing up. But for some odd reason today my plants don't look good. Seems like they are dying. I will post a pic here in a few of my set up and plants as soon as i find my camera. I hope they r going to be alright.
400's better than 250....600's better than 400. Use what you think you'll get best results with, just remember bigger is usually better! MHO
Here is a few pics of one of my plants. Please help me figure out whats wrong. I also have here some pics of an over view of my grow room, pics of my exhaust fan, intake cooling fan/ac, and a pic of my temp/humm meter. One last thing im going online to by some MJ nutrients and i would love to know what excactly to please. Im scared that my babies r going to die.

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You really need something better than a desk fan and you need it to actually be exhausting. IMO, a 2" hole is not large enough either.
Those plants look good. I don't think yu have any problems. That one leaf looks to be a genetic malformation. Yu may be a little strong on the nutrients which could have triggered that but I don't know. I say for now just keep an eye on that. If that leaf starts to wither or get necrotic AND yu start to see other malformations or discoloring then yu may have an issue. But that may take several days to show if there is a problem. I don't have experience with different nute brands so I hesatate to suggest any. I know a lot of people on here use and like General Hydroponics 3part for a chemical fertilizer, and FoxFarm nutes for organic nutrients.
I agree with Goddess on the ventilation. A 4" hole with a bigger fan as yu don't just want cool air, yu want replenished air, and that comes with proper volume. Also I noticed that it looks like the air coming through the door may be blowing directly onto the plants. That being cold ac air isn't good to blow directly onto the plants, as that can cause drying and could "give'em a chill". I would make sure the plants are away from direct air flow from that ac hose.

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