....ok. A few hours of reflection and bongloads of Sensi Star later I am ready to take the good with the bad. The nanners showing up are probably the results of me, not the beans. I had to screw with their light schedule for two days in a row because of repairmen doing work in my home starting 3 days before the nanners showed and I think this is the result. (Basically I had the lights off for 3-6 hours in the middle of the plant's "daytime" while people were here). I spent a good amount of time checking over the 4 other monster girls in my flowering area and none of them are showing any signs of nanners. The other plants are; an LA Ultra, 2 Sensi Stars, and one other NYC Diesel that is a different pheno.
This was my first time growing the NYC Diesel AND also trying to grow a 10 week strain so I am sure my nute feedings were not what the plant needed exactly. I saw a little burn as well as some slight yellowing leaves here and there so the nute mix for this one is not yet right at all. In other words I stressed her.....but I honestly didn't think it was enough to start throwing nanners at me
At this point I am planning on chopping it down tomorrow. I have three clones from this plant and I plan on growing them out again. This strain was looking and smelling great so I am not ready to give up on her yet. If they hermie again without me making any mistakes then I will be sure it is the genetics and not me.
So it is time to spin this story like a seasoned politician........
Ok first of all......anyone want brownies? I think I might just take the few buds with nanners (less than 25% of the plant so far) and make a batch of cannabutter. Second, this just frees up more space in my flower area for me to focus the lights down on the remaining plants for the last two weeks of flower and give them even more light/attention. Third, even if this plant is not a genetic hermie and I grow it out again and it is fine I will have at least learned that it does have a very low stress-to-hermie threshold. Fourth, I was beginning to see cloudy trichs so even though it is supposed to be a 10 week strain it is a couple days into week 8 and might still smoke well.