New to Hydroponics

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on my ebb and flo im running 1158 (as of right now) ppm on cuts that are 2 weeks old and another 15 week olds and another 20 fresh rooted cuts. Havent had one die yet and the 2 weeks old are monsters already.

will you give some info on your setup etc not just "ime they would be dead or... this works fine".....for the newbies sake please?

you run no ppms for 3 weeks?? in an ebb and a dwc? in a cloner? in an nft? aero? soil?

please clarify exactly because i am not a mind reader for anyone.

If there was some information in the posts I wouldnt be asking....shallow posting helps no-one.
I run DWC in 5 gallon buckets with 1200 watts hps, RO water, and use GH3 with additional cal/Mg and fulvic acid.

At 2.5- 3 weeks I start a light regiment of nutes(between the 150-250ppms),By harvest time I may be in the 1200ppm range but this info is all in my grow journals.

The OP was questioning about DWC I do not know where the ebb/flow discussion came from. I guess I was just trying to stay on the original topic. :confused2:
Hey guys thanks for all the feedback. Im going with a DWC method. Trillions of atoms I appreciate all your help its been helping me alot to understand the concepts and I welcome and appreciate any future help. I will be putting some pictures up today of test babies in the small aero system since I know how to resize the pictures now thanks to NOVA. Im going today to get some dark spray paint to make my buckets dark on the outside and a few air pumps and air stones. The 3 seedlings I have going right now in the aero have really long tap roots already. I might have to cut a hole in the net buckets when Im ready so I can drop the roots in carefully. Like I said Im using these 3 seedlings as a test for the DWC set up. Also trillions Im going to try and find some rapid rooters to use inside the hydroton. I dont know where I can find them but I will look around at the local hydro store maybe this weekend. Thanks again guys.
Glad I could help I want everyone to be able post photos!!!
hey man.... I wasnt sure if you had another post about different methods- there was like three guys all asking about hydro methods at the same time and someone had asked him to start another thread to get more response.

I run DWC, SWC, aero and ebb and flow. Aero works great for cannibis but you have to have the right setup...the desktop you have works great for cuts and seedlings...but wont support larger plants.

just trying to help! You will love the DWC for its ease of use and as long as you have spare buckets when you go to swap them out you will love it. tryin g to rig something up to hold the lid and plant while you clean and put fresh solution in the buckets makes it a hassle.

there are tons of info here on DWC methods and if you have a ? all you have to do is ask!

hey man.... I wasnt sure if you had another post about different methods- there was like three guys all asking about hydro methods at the same time and someone had asked him to start another thread to get more response.

I run DWC, SWC, aero and ebb and flow. Aero works great for cannibis but you have to have the right setup...the desktop you have works great for cuts and seedlings...but wont support larger plants.

just trying to help! You will love the DWC for its ease of use and as long as you have spare buckets when you go to swap them out you will love it. tryin g to rig something up to hold the lid and plant while you clean and put fresh solution in the buckets makes it a hassle.

there are tons of info here on DWC methods and if you have a ? all you have to do is ask!

Hey guys. Here are the pictures of the small aero set up I was using for the test seedlings that were to be transplanted into the DWC set up im currently constructing. If the pictures are too small sorry I was trying to resize them and might have screwed up. I actually have a few more questions I was wondering about. I bought a dual port air pump and I have the two hose lines going to the air stones but the hose lines are almost clear. Is that going to be a problem with algae? Also I have 2 white buckets that Im using and I was wondering if that was going to be an issue to. Thanks again guys.

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black buckets are what you need...if light gets into the bucket algae can form along with other more serious problems. the air line isnt as important as having dark buckets....the more air the better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea now I gotta find some black buckets somewhere hmmm???
Good idea trillions. Im going to look tomorrow to see if I can find some and if not im going to have to do that. I went to my local hydro shop and they guy there was very informative he actually gave me a bunch of hydroton for free and I bought some Rockwool seed starters. He also said not to feed them anything for two to three weeks. I still dont understand how Im going to germinate in them but we will see. Sorry I havent started the grow yet. Im going to start to germ some strains tonight and like I said try and grab some dark buckets tomorrow. Then I am good to go. Im going to use my 125 watt CFL for the beginning. I will post more tomorrow. Hopefully I am successfull on finding the buckets.
ive never ever not fed clones, seedlings I dont feed until roots are strong...

to each their own!

Start them in rapid rooters....then place into the ton and into the buckets.
Yea I was looking for those rapid rooters at the hydro store but they didnt have them. I guess Im going to have to go to rockwool. I dont like the feel of it though. I might try using the paper towel method them putting them into the slit of the rockwool and start them that way. Thanks Nova for the Tin foil idea.
You should be just fine with rockwool. It is a good idea to soak them in water pH's to about 5.5 before using as they tend to be a bit acidic. I like to germ my seeds in paper towels before I out into the rockwool. I generally turn the cubes upside down and punch my own little hole in the cubes for the germed seed. I find that the premade holes in the cubes are too deep and too large and the cubes stand up better upside down.
^^^ YUP great advice......

yeah good idea..just be careful not to overwater that rockwool...
Ok awesome. Thanks THG. I was reading up on the DWC setup on the web and there was one guy saying that, "you have to clean the bucket everyday" and the maintenance for a DWC set up makes it not worth doing. I said to myself a bit too late now haha. I have the seeds germinating and the rockwool soaking. I bought some distilled water for the buckets and im going to have to lower the PH before I put them into the buckets. I will post pictures later tonight of one of my buckets I have set up.
Before you pop the seed into the rockwool, you will need to remove some of the water from it. Instead of squeezing, I sort of flick the cube (sounds wrong I know!) saves you having a squashed cube!
Also, I dont know who this guy was cleaning his buckets daily, I thought I was going overkill once a week! I dont know about the others but I rinse once a week, sort of daisy chaining with a spare bucket when changing the res, a thorough clean with diluted H2O2 when changing over for new plants.
each to there own on the cleaning thing woody its like cloneing some clean once a week like you, other like me only clean on a new grow, i dont even clean when swaping from veg to bloom aslong as its light tight and rez temps are keeped in order you shouldnt need to clean it
peace fruity
Thanks Woodydude. I had one bucket running overnight with no plant in it just to test it out. Is the hydroton on the very top of the net pot supposed to be dry ? I thought it was supposed to be moist. Mines not for some reason. I have the water at the very bottom of the net pot and its wet down there from the air bubbles splashing up. Just wondering. Thanks.

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