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Active Member
Feb 22, 2006
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I have had a 2 plants growing under 2 flourescent tubes. They just started to grow, and one is about 5 in. and the other is about the same but is growing sideways. The one that is straight up has been at the same length for a few days now and not really doing anything. The one that is sideways the leaves seem to be getting bigger. Is there any reason why the one standing up is just on a stand still right there anything I can do to get it past this point??
the one is growing sideways probably because it is stretching towards your light
Hey charlie1, Is it possible for you to show any pics? if not, when you say sideways what exactly do you mean? do you mean the branches are growing out? Do you know what strain it is? Get back, and I will try to help in way I can.

yeah it is growing completely main concern was the one standing straight up. It is just not doing anything. It has been at the same length for a few days now. It seems the one growing sideways is doing more. The lights are directly above the plants so they arent stretching towards it. I can take some pics but they wont be up for a few days. Get back at me..

It is not the branches though. It really only still has the main stem and two leaves. The stem itself is growing sideways like towards the sides of the pot.
Sounds like something maybe hit the plant and knocked it over? I know that plants that are bent and sometimes even broken will continue to grow sideways and then up, I once saw a plant that grew like this and ended up having a question mark shape.

What kind of flouros are you using?
Which light schedule? At the stage of growth you describe you should be using 18/6 or 24/0.
What are you feeding them? Any ferts or just plain water?
And last (but not least) we need to see some pics to make a really sound judgement on what your problem (if there is one) might be.
One thing that you can try is to put more soil around the stem, if possible. I like to have the entire stem covered up to the the first set of leaves because that part of the stem, would actually like to be more part of the root system. i do not think that you have any major problems, I think that the root system is try to develop which will slow the vertical growth until it gets established.
At this point of your seedlings life, its main concern is to generate a healthy root system to support the growth to come. look at it this way, what you have on top of the soil or medium, must be matched by what is below the soil. This may also be a good time to start using a oscilating fan to strengthen those young stems. I am also in the process of starting new seedling, so i will go and take a picture of what I mean. I hope this helps some, and I will get back with a pic, in a bit.
Very good point mass, I do the same thing. Extra insulation for the baby stems to grow strong healthy roots is always a good thing
I now grow hydroponically but this works on the same principle. Here are a few pics of the stem buried in the medium. i hope that you can see them



I have my light schedule on 24/0 right now since it is so small. I try to get as much ventilation as possible but it is in a small closet. Is it in my best interest to use miracle grow soil which is the same I am currently using to cover up the stem up until the top leaf, or should I go get new soil? I am trying my best to get the pics so I can get some better advice but thank you for giving me what you have.
I also have one of them which is about 5 inches high with two big leaves and two small ones. It is growing straight and strong, but has been at the same length of leaf and stem for a few days now. Should I be concerned, or is there anything I can do to make sure the process continues?
same aexact thing happen to me and they dint grow more untill i put them in the flower stage, it could be nutrlockout, temps , theres alot of things it could be , if your a first grower you always make mistakes ,exspecialy with hydoponics,are those the only two because you may get your hopes up if there both male.
There are two main reasons for seedlings growing out tall and falling over.
1...not enuff light intebsity.(light too far from tops)
2...not enuff air circulation. Those seedlings need to be "fluttered" around to develop strong stalks.
These popped up while I was outta' town, and the wife failed to move them from on top of the flo's(for warmth in germination) to 'under' the flo's for photosynthesis. All but a cpl were laying over like a vine when I got home. A little support for a few days,very close under the lights, and a small fan to get them moving, and within a few days they were all supporting themselves. A transplant soon after, burying the stems as deep as was "feasable" and they did fine.
Second pic is of the same plants about 4 weeks later.
I hate to give a useless post. but damn Hick, I didn't know they could stretch that far. :eek:

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