rogue tap root

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Well-Known Member
Bud of the Month Winner
Mar 9, 2022
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Eastern VA
This seedling has been struggling for over three weeks. Another of the same seeds germinated at the same time and is now almost a foot high. I germinated them in a paper towel and stuck them in RW when the tap roots were 1/4 inch long, then moved them to DWC as soon as I saw roots sticking out of the RW. I gave the healthy one to a friend, but didn't think this one could handle the move, so I kept it.


The sick plant's tap root turned around at some point and came back out the top hole in the RW.That root is dead now, but the roots below it are still growing slowly. At the rate it's growing I will be hand watering it for a couple more weeks before the roots hit water.


Just wondering if I'm wasting my time and should just toss it. It's one sick seedling. Maybe it would do better in soil. Here it is on life support, out of the big DWC and resting in a jar with tap water adjusted to 5.8, warm air bubbles and 40K lux for 18/6.

agreed, why spend months growing a sickly've not got a lot of time invested with this plant, give it a decent burial and begin anew...
My wife wants me to keep it. I have space under the light, so I think I will put it in a solo cup with dirt. If it survives someone will want it. I have more seedlings just waking up that I want to keep. Too many actually for the state I'm in.

For a seed 6.5 is ideal. It just needs water. Even 7.0 hose water in old leached soil will start a seed. All the nutes for the first few sets of leaves are contained within the seed.

Thanks, I didn't think that applied to a seedling with a couple of sets of leaves. I didn't feed it, just down adjusted the water. I'll try not to kill the others...
It had a little root rot, but I don't think that explains all the burned leaves. Seedlings = 6.5, got it.


Technically, I didn't toss it yet It's resting in the shade of some tomato plants in a dutch bucket. That's not green light on the perlite, it's algae. If it survives, I'll have to setup an isolated pot to avoid letting that annoying algae escape to other containers. I don't really expect it to survive the nutrients the tomatoes are drinking, though.

Ive grown runts out, but they were not diseased. Odd little phenos sometimes it turn out tasty and powerful.

Right now I still have room for my runt, unless the hubs decides to use hippies idea with the bleach drops 😂. It’s thick and unusual looking maybe a bit deformed and only about an inch tall but I think it’s trying to come around. Her two sisters are 8-10 inches tall. I just fimmed one of them yesterday after 5 nodes. I’m gonna give the little one a transplant in a little bigger pot just to see if she comes around. Maybe I can at least learn something from the whole runt experience 😎

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