Sept 2024 Bud of the Month

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Best Bud

  • Greenscreen13

  • WonkasTHC

  • Bullshoalsguy

  • Longtimegrower

  • LilDad

  • Greenmobster440

  • Flower

  • Gardentroll

  • BuzzeyeBill

  • Smaccio

  • Bobby

  • Airbone

  • Joes grows ct

  • Carty

Results are only viewable after voting.
I was going to update mine before the deadline...but being the stoner I am..I forgot. Imagine that 😂
At least you got snd entry I have good buds to enter just blew it off. Maybe the Maui will make an appearance in Oct
I was glad to get a banner and that month I voted for the winning entry because. I did think it was at least a tie for top. After that I've been voting for the one I thought was the best entry. As I was looking through the entries there were several that could win. But I have noticed that when I vote for the one like a judge not a contestant I keep voting for the one that wins. I must be doing a good job of being fair-minded.
I was glad to get a banner and that month I voted for the winning entry because. I did think it was at least a tie for top. After that I've been voting for the one I thought was the best entry. As I was looking through the entries there were several that could win. But I have noticed that when I vote for the one like a judge not a contestant I keep voting for the one that wins. I must be doing a good job of being fair-minded.
Or you ate just really good at picking winning buds

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