Small Brown Spots 4Wks in Bloom... Help

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Denial isn't 'just' a river in Egypt..;)
Yes, look close! I've not had these yet (knocking on wood), so I can only say what it looks like to me! If they're there, you should see them.
Looked again this morning right after the lights came on... No mites...
I am confident its not mites... Really looks like Ph the more I research... But I have been very careful and accurate with measurements so I duno how it could have changed so dramatically over just the past week.
I hope its not mites as they can be a real pain to deal with, and I agree if it were mites you should be able to see them, or at least some evidence of their existence ie silk/web, eggs or what have you, however every time I have seen that type of "damage" it was a direct result of mites, and also I have never seen pH issues manifest themselves in such a small spotted mite like way, now I am aware my knowledge is limited, and every strain handles stress differently so please do inform us when you get it resolved, best of luck
Confirmed its Ph...My local Hydro store tested a sample of my water with a digital meter, and it was way low... almost 5.0.... I had already changed the water the day before, and dropped back down to 50% Str..... The Flora Nova 1 part is very thick and very brown... So my water is very brown as well...Roots are still healthy and very white tho. But I use drops to check Ph as I couldnt afford a good digi PH meter....
Im assuming the color of the water was throwing off the results... So I prob Ph downed a bit much....
They should be fine...everything still looks great aside from the spots... The nugs are starting to take shape and swell now....Im hoping they will be done around the the 1st of May.
I will prob post a journal soon if anyone would like to follow along for the remainder of the grow.
Thx everyone for all the input.
This dots are because of some fungus, like insects, use some pesticides, whic are eating your leaves....
I would get your nute strength back up. You definately did not have nute burn--it looks entirely different. If you are not adding Cal-Mag with your Flora Nova, you probably have a cal-mag deficiency.
Gartner said:
This dots are because of some fungus, like insects, use some pesticides, whic are eating your leaves....

Sorry, but this is bad advise. Insects and fungus are entirely different problems with different solutions. It is never good to arbitrarily spray your plants with pesticides when you do not know what is wrong with it. IMO, it is a nute thing, not a pest or fungus problem.
What do you mean 75% strength vs 50%? My charts are 1 to 3 teaspoon per gallon?
So it simply depends what you start at. So if I start at 2 ts/gal. 50% solution is then 1 ts/gal. So 50 and 75 are irrelevant unless we know where he started?
LOL, I suppose if you're not going by the chart, you'd have to determine what dose you're already using....but yes, that's about right!
What Guy's saying is that the dosage recomendation is between 1 tsp and 3 tsp, leaving an big arbitrary window to begin with. So, yeah, you'd need to know if he started at 1tsp, 2tsp or 3tsp.
It's all so clear to me now, maybe I should have smoked one before answering LMAO...THANKS!!!!!
Sixx, what was your ph droper giving you for a ph? I use a dropper and a ph of 5 would give you a red color and it is very easy to tell the difference between 5,6, and 7. Im confused about how you didnt know the ph was low when you say you had been checking the ph.

I know all of the ph drop haters are going to come in and bash me but oh well. The droppers are def not 100% accurate, I realize this, but I can get it pretty close and its easy to tell weather the ph is high or low.

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