Software for finding a grow spot in your area.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
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Dixie land
Hey all been growing over 20 years. Living in a new state but already scoping out the area. Try this software for your area its called Google earth. You can pull up a close up of your area and tell where there are large clearings in the woods and where the closest road is to that area. You can tell how close the houses are to that area and things like lakes and mountains so you have an excuse for being there fishing hiking ect. Good luck
Thanks for the link dude, sorta heavy program better have a good internet connection.
yea the program is a bit big but it does pretty much rock. I've never thought of using it for that use, longtimegrower but its a pretty damn good idea.
oh ya, i live in BC canada. in what is called the O/D capital of the world. this year we had 1 of the new drug task forces in our town for 6 weeks flying overhead by heliocopter mapping the whole area. about 2500 sq. miles of terraine. they were pinpointing all the choice o/d grow sites. using GPS or is it GSP? the program that they used to send the choppers in was google earth advanced. and this is canada, how many of your american drug or law enforcement agencies are using this program?

google earth is a grabber program, so be careful. what i mean is; it takes over all your search engines and becomes the primary default search engine. i had a heck of a time getting rid of it. had to go into the hard drive and delete the files manually. so think twice before using. also any1 can log into the site to browse what you are doing with advanced edition. wanna lead the d.e.a. to your site and have them watch you tend your grow? think again friends.
Wait i'm confused. How does google earth take over all your search engines? I can still go to yahoo or and search and it doesn't kick me back to google. Nor can the DEA log into the google earth data base and see what I am doing. They can't without a search warrant. Even if they could how would me browing all the major cities in the world and looking in some mountain region or wooded region set them off them i'm growing an outdoor operation? I'm with you that the biggest threat to O/D growing in helicopters but its not like google earth updates every minute and they can watch me go to and from a site in the woods....
search warrent - on the web, you gotta be kidding. but yes, there are a lot of areas that you could slip thru and they wouldnt get you but remember that this is only 1 satellite search database. i know the military has had 1 for years here. in behind your yahoo is a little program that google earth attaches too and can scan and download all the places that you have gone to using that search engine. the same for all yer computer info, didnt know that eh? i have the advanced google earth software program; just not on this computer nor thru this ISP nor in contact with it in any way. i can see if my friends are home 25 miles away and who is sitting on their porch with them. hehehe i have also gone into iraq and studied military operations at a height of 100 feet until the signal has been jammed. welcome to the new tomorrow.
I wasn`t saying pick the bigest open field and fill it up. Try looking at the locations you might want to grow in and you can see where the best roads are and if there may be houses closer than you thought they were. Use it with common sence. Thats how you grow for a long time with out getting caught. If im worried about an area ill go at night in the moon light the mosquitos are so bad where i am no one is going to sit out there till two in the morning waiting on you to come over a few plants. Lighten up being so parranoid or find a legal hobby. Slim
hey slim, i been growing o/d longer then you have, and i have 4 this year. i'll post my opinion here about new technology all that i want. you on the other hand, can change yer attitude anytime soon. im talkin the do's and dont's of google earth and poor little you got offended. so you attack my hobby; grow up.
Seems to me Astra and LTG were both trying to be helpful to me. If you think about it, it is a helpful program, but on the other hand I would be leery using this shareware. Why is it shareware? Seems obious to me.
Astra you didn`t upset me. I thought this room was to help others. Seems like some of us just want to think there the best and just rock the boat all the time. That is not what i thought the form was for. Im more of a commercial grower so maybe i should find another room. peace and chill slim
astra, yea you are right about google having tha ability to transmit information to their collective servers. You also have the option to check that little button to make everything go away. Why would google use this programming with google earth? why not their toolbar or other downloads they have that are related to searches. I REALLY doubt that you have the ability to tap into what seems to be a spy satellite. How were you able to gain access to this advanced software so advanced that i doubt a public corporation could obtain. Also the police do need a search warrant even with the internet. Many times internet companies have said F you to the cops when they ask for information like that. So when the police hack the google server and get my info there is a get out of jail free card for me...
i stated my opinion when i stripped the google earth program and deleted it. you can believe whatever you want. i dont have it on MY computer so do as you please. secondly, i have military background with lots of retired buddys so tapping into a satelite is not hard fer me. i posted a warning, you all can use yer own mind to do what you do.
Do you honestly believe they need a warrant? It has been proven your phones have been tapped since the Clinton administration. They argue that they only started this after 9/11, but don't let them decieve you. How many people have been popped that have been the most careful and not leaving a trace? MANY. If you don't think our judicial system isn't corrupt along with a lot of police officers, you are mistaken. If they can pull that off, they can do more. They hire the best of the best to track people like us down. I don't think Astra meant to offend you longtimegrower. Don't be so dramatic. I have friends that can make a computer do whatever they want. Some taught in the military, some are bookworms, either way there is a way that is not public knowledge.
My 2 pennies worth....
I don't put anything past "big brother" I mean everything ya do (except cash) is monitored. To be totally free of cash and gold, diamonds, ect. only. Everything has a trail whether digital or paper.
What does it come down too? Money...what am I worth.
Thats really the bottom line..."What am I worth".
not much I'll tell ya. It would not benefit anyone to have me put into jail. I do not sell, I do not intend to districute. I keep my plant count below the intent limit.
IMHO I'm not worth it.
but don't anyone kid themselves..we are all being watched. IMHO.
I agree with mutt...can never trust uncle sam. i have used google earth many times its an ok program but the images are pretty blury in my area so i lost interest in it. i guess id be more worried about posting pics of my grow online then i would be about using google earth to look at areial photos as an aid in finding a nice place to grow.
i honestly don't beleive that a government agency can use anything in court against you that was obtained illegally... i may be mistaken so show me an example. sure people that are very careful get pinched but it doesn't mean the government is tapping your phone becuase you're selling an ounce of weed a week. Somebody turns them in. As careful as they are people need other people, sell to buy from ect. and they inturn lead to convictions either trying to get out of trouble themselves or just getting revenge.

Aero Tex, yea sure phones have been taped but only looking for certain words. If the government were to tap everyones phone and listen to each conversation do you know the type and size of that facility? You think the government is going to come after you because you call your dealer and ask for an 1/8? Do you think eight quater ounce are even on their watch list for words? Come on think of the reality of this how many times do these words come up in conversations that have nothing to do about weed. Secondly why hasn't the DEA hacked this site and even if they don't log IPs it can be easily coded where it is saved on a server other then this. Nobody has come to my door as many of the other growers here with many posts, pictures and grow journals. Stop being paranoid, yea the government is pretty crapy and they do some stupid shitty things to their citizens but listen to Mutt they're not coming after YOU, you just aren't worth it.
Actually, gold is monitored, and your cash will be soon, too. They are talking making it to where if you use a large bank, usually owned by a larger bank your cash will be monitored and the gov't will be able to withdraw in times of war and even regulate what you take out. You really can't trust Uncle Sam.
ok, 1 last post. its better to be safe then sorry, right? now in canada, all cash transactions over 10,000 are reported by the banks. this is in or out. - my ex was a banker. phone calls are all taped; red flagged on certain words. there are several mj busts a month here - court - they never go to court; get real man. cell phones can be monitered also, they are radio wave transmissions. satelites as well, its all tracable.

now ya got the states and HOMELAND SECURITY which is hooked up to all the american law enforcement agengies. their word is the law; try arguing with them and you disappear. courts - rights - yer living in the past, my friend. if leo gets you on his radar and he wants you - your dead meat.

you only know what google earth releases in press releases to the public. they can track IP'S - big deal, that gives them a city wide area or the location of the ISP. i can too. im safe - are you?
if they don't go to court where do they go? Are they killing growers and burrying their bodies in remote places up there in Canada? Or just throwing your asses in jail without a trail.

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