starting to curl up

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:confused: and soft buds and should be getting hard as now on week 7 from tomorrow of 8 week strain...

now ive had spider mites and could only spray with spider mite comntrol which seems to have done the trick yet residue still on leaves so may try spraying with luke warm water to remove the residue.

this is my belief that the plant is being stopped from growing due to lack of transiration....

1. Soil or Hydro?...SOIL
2. If hydro what type bubble, ebb and flo, etc.?.........N/A
3. ferts/nutes used? Soil mix?.....................IONIC BLOOM, IONIC BOOST, MONSTER BLOOM ADDED BOOST, EN-ZYME AND NOW PK-13/14
4. Lighting: Florous, HPS, MH, or mix? wattages?......2 X 600 WATT HPS
5. PH if known?.......6.7-6.8
6. What stage of growth?...5 WEEKS IN FLOWER TOMORROW
7. Relative humidity and temp of area if known?..........32 HUM AND 84 TEMP.
8. Grow area size and ventilation? 8' X 4' X 6.5' 2 X 6" INLINE RVKS ON CONATANT FOR 12 HOURS LIGHT CYCLE ON OFF EVERY 15 MINS FOR OTHER 12 DARK CYCLE.
9. Any other measurements that may be useful like PPm, EC, CF, etc.?....CF 12-16 NOW ITH PK-13/14
10. lighting schedule?.12/12


not sure what mite erradication product you use, but they are usually an oil of some type designed to suffocate. Transpiration could well be the issue.
the starting point of any leaves starting to curl is the very tip goes black very very slightly.

ive sprayed/misted with water only and set oscilating fan on full power and also turned on dehumidifier to try and dry the leaves/bud sites......

shit this is a long shot as dont have any reason to believe its anything but transpiration thing...

no pests about humidity temps still at 100f.this may be prob or part of.

thanks for reply hick.

ps called spider mite control no ingrediantes not company name on bottle so some con thats for sure....

probably like eradicoat or similar..

transpiration AND heat...;)
they will survive hopefully with 3 weeks to go have to take 1 600 hps out of room if need be if no differance by tomorrow.

anyway heres 3 pics of damage:mad:
yeh been told form clued up fella on uk website its definately heat stress as temps were hitting 100f.

thats a fuking laugh .

today they hit 112f

so inline now hooked up to outside fresh air as opossed to attic space warm air.....

if this dont do trick im buying cooltubes and and switching flower light period to night time whereas it cooler..........

hers hpoing

Good God man. 112F!!!!!.

Hope the flo-thru helps you out.
temps down to 92f today after rigging up inline to fresh outside air..

plants loooking ok some worse some totally unaffected some may get the chop if any worse on tuesday after 7 days of pk 13/14.

ya just gotta salvage what ya can in these scenarios.

more to take their place if this is the case.

Spreading some green Mojo for you, hope they pull through for ya. ;)
down to 82f no worse but no better only 5 affected test all ok ordered 3 cooltubes as its gonna be a hot summer.


i would also put some of the i call twirly birds on your roof and a min of 24 in vents on each side of your house with a box fan forcing the hot air out .