USA : Final days of Marijuana Prohibition Upon Us?

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Ganja Farmer
Bud of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2007
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If you thought President Barack Obama’s mocking response to the question of whether “taxing and regulating cannabis would raise revenue and reduce prohibition-associated violence” couldn’t be any worse, just listen to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stumble below.

Kudos to the reporters who held the White House’s feet to the fire on this one. First, Gibbs is asked: “When the President said he doesn’t think that legalizing marijuana would give the economy a boost was he giving a political answer or an economic answer? Does he have numbers to back (his position) up?”
The pained expression on Gibbs’ face says it all as he mumbles that, in fact, he is aware of no economic analyses — as in zip, nada — that support the President’s dismissive position. Naturally, we have numerous credible economic reports proving just the opposite. Perhaps Mr. Gibbs would like to review them here, here, here, and here.
Minutes later, the White House Press Secretary appears even more desperate for a place to hide when a second reporter asked Gibbs to articulate the reasons why the President refuses to consider the issue. Gibbs’ response is priceless.
“Uh, he, he does not think that, uh, uh, that that is uh, uh, [pause] he opposes it, he doesn’t think that that’s the, the right plan for America.”
And there you have it. Wow. Such a vapid response wouldn’t cut it if Gibbs was a third-grader standing in front of his classroom, no less the Press Secretary to the White House!
Keep in mind, both Obama and his press secretary knew in advance that they were going to publicly respond the question of taxing and regulating cannabis. They had at least 24 hours to prepare an articulate, rational, and substantive response. And yet the best response they could come up with was snickers and “uh.”
Are the final days of marijuana prohibition upon us? It sure looks that way from here. But why not write the President and ask him yourself.
Reminds me alot of, "uh uh I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
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Reminds me alot of, "uh uh I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

"uuhhh.....I did'nt inhale"-lol

Obama did say "there were alot of votes for this question"-He did make that point.

Obama did say "there were alot of votes for this question"-He did make that point.

Yet he didn't acknowledge it was the #1 voted question, nor did he give a response with any meaning at all too it. Instead he laughed.
Keep asking the question. Sooner or later, the response will be better.
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I want him to get asked, and have a excuse planned, and have it get backfired on him. With a simple, why not?
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if anyone one of his aids would bother to do some research they would see how the numbers work out. its crazy to let things keep going as they are. why is it that everyone can see that but the ones who need to? it doesn't make sense to me
Should we start writing Big Tobacco instead. Old Phillip Morris, Lorillard, companies like that. They would likely jump in and be the ones marketing if anything were to ever actually happen.

Big Tobacco/Farmers/Taxpayers vs. Pharmaceutical Meds/Health Insurance.
Fight of the century in DC. Whose pockets get filled the fastest, Who gets the public support (Home Team) reactions. 12 round slugfest.

Miller High Lifes are treating me very well tonight as you can tell.
Miller High Lifes are treating me very well tonight as you can tell.

aahhhh...."The Champagne of Beers"

ever notice on NORMAL's web site how MJ is the #1 cash crop in most states?

look it up. it's true.
slowmo77 said:
if anyone one of his aids would bother to do some research they would see how the numbers work out. its crazy to let things keep going as they are. why is it that everyone can see that but the ones who need to? it doesn't make sense to me
I have had they "marijuana is not a bad thing" discussion with a lot of people and I have noticed it is not hard to convince a lot of people about its uses as legal medacine and even recreational use. Even die har religeous people I know are easily swayed when presented with the truth. Thats what I dont understand, people are pretty much OK with it.
IMO. I think that this arguement comes to this..
All presidents need to get what bills passed within there first year in office while there popularity is the highest.
He has a lot of stuff on his plate to get passed within his first year. If he introduces this bill to legalize MMJ its 50/50 on the votes.
If it goes and doesn't pass with his name on it his popularity plumits for trying which screws him on his other projects.
I think it has a better chance to get going years 2-4.
I personally think that we should be asking to lift Fed enforcement off MMJ bans on states that choose to have it on there books in writing!!!
If he gets the laws changed that way then its a stepping stone. More states would probably be more apt to pass MMJ laws in there states knowing that they wouldn't have to spend state money on Federal DEA raids causing more state money to be used to prosicute these offenders(us).
So IMO. I think we should be asking for a bill to lift prohibition on MMJ for states who choose to have MMJ in writing not just his word

Once this is done and more states start passing more MMJ laws the federal gov will see how its working,people are paying taxxes. Revinue is comming in to the state,then the fed will want there cut,causing them to pass bills to legalize it federally and then they won't have to create stiff federal laws on it because the states will have already figured out there stipulations on it.
The tobacco companies will then start growing large quantities for med use. Then we can get presriptions for a pack of 20 at walmart for 5
i thought he alreadt signed a bill for that a few weeks ago when it was announced there would be no more federal raids of state licensed mmj users and dispenseries. i could be wrong but i thought i read that some where.
Hey, dont get me wrong i know its not going to happen all at once but at least start entertaining the thought. They should at least reshedule it.
I think it was just his word. Its still against federal law.
He is stopping prosicution on MMJ co-ops.
And Judges are not seeing cases on MMJ arrests do to this stop. They are waiting for a laws to be passed so they know what to do... poor smucks are sitting in jail till they know something for sure.
More reason for him to pass something like this soon. Rather than later.
slowmo77 said:
i thought he alreadt signed a bill for that a few weeks ago when it was announced there would be no more federal raids of state licensed mmj users and dispenseries. i could be wrong but i thought i read that some where.
I could tell he was lying..;) I could see his lips moving..:rofl:..:p
One week after President Barack Obama's top law enforcement official seemed to indicate the feds would no longer raid pot clubs, DEA agents busted a medical marijuana facility in San Francisco Wednesday night.
Hick said:
I could tell he was lying..;) I could see his lips moving..:rofl:..:p
One week after President Barack Obama's top law enforcement official seemed to indicate the feds would no longer raid pot clubs, DEA agents busted a medical marijuana facility in San Francisco Wednesday night.
Just goes to show that MMj states need to to start hounding there puppet master for something in writing so they know what to do.
well atleast we have a couple of bold states that are trying to pass legal mj like cali and mass lets all say a prayer that these 2 states pass the bill without fail, then those of us who grow can know a real change is the near future, and i personaly think that the presidents men where just all stoned and couldnt find a way to get sober without some munchies we all have a brain fart when getting baked
Let us turn this conversation,
A bit more on the positive side of things. Letters, and e-mails, that's a good way to travel. We walk all the time on a fine line of politics and mj, but let's lean on over towards some good smoke shall we, Hmmmmm...

We are all smart enough to see that those who are in the upper management positions are going to want to word things so very carefully, and who wants all the flak that it's sure to generate.

Some of you guys grow some pretty sweet looking buds, and that is where we need to keep our focus as far as Marpassion is concerned.
Please no more political slams or inference. In fact let's not even go there.

smoke in peace

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