what are peoples opinions on mercury lights

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Thats Is Metal Halide Only Different Name It Will Do A Trick
it seems like a pretty good deal what do you think 30 $ with a light included!
i will be honest with you i am about to buy thesame light for myself and i did a hell of a research and nothing is cheaper than that for veg and little week flowering stage
but could you use a regular 175w MH bulb in it? i seen this tossed around befor. if its true ill drive to wal-mart right now becasue they are their also...
o man mercury something that different name for metal halide go to the store open the box and see for yourself it will say metal halide on the box from bulb or ask a guy that works there to show you replacments bulbs
yeah i thought it was a really good deal. But upon further research it is only 6,000 lumens.
It seems to be mercury vapor only and as far as lighting is concerned they are not as efficient as the other options. More heat than usable light especially the spectrum is not all that great. Try ebay for a good used one and just buy a new buld if you have to.
hmmm you got more chance with those big CFL that are in that section in lowes they put dowm around 14000
I had two of those before. It gives a weird spectrum of light but I used them for the entire grow a few years back and I got decent sized buds. They are NOT compatible with Metal Halide bulbs. I already tried. Ended up wasting like $20 on a bulb. I say if it's all you can afford go for it.

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