What is Delta 8?

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MJ Passion

Staff member
Jul 29, 2016
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What is Delta 8?
The latest phytocannabinoid to attract consumers’ attention is a minor delta 9, which is more prominent in cannabis than hemp. It produces a MILDLY INTOXICATING EXPERIENCE that’s not as strong as delta 9. Many consumers in legal states dislike the intensive high of cannabis. Some brands are offering a legal loophole for a moderate buzz that doesn’t leave them paranoid.

How is Delta 8 Different From Delta 9 THC?
Although delta 8 and 9 share the same chemical structure, the two phytocannabinoids bond at different locations. Delta 8 bonds at the 8th molecule and delta 9 bonds at the 9th location. Experts believe this slight difference is what causes the ‘THC-lite’ response. The lower bonding also produces a more enjoyable buzz for people looking for a way to get high.

What’s the difference between Delta 8 and CBD?
There’s more difference between delta 8 and CBD than there is in common. Yes, many customers that find CBD too light or not what they’re looking for choose the THC compound. The plant chemicals share the same molecular formula, but the structures of the two phytocannabinoids are different.

Of course, the differences most consumers want to know about involve the body’s response to the cannabinoids. CBD provides a relaxing feeling that calms the mind, joints, and muscles. Many users buy CBD to reduce anxiousness and sleep better at night.

CBD won’t provide a stimulating experience like consumers claim about delta 8. For years, hemp advocates have promised consumers that the plant’s extracts are non-intoxicating. These aren’t EMPTY PROMISES. CBD is non-psychoactive. The plant doesn’t naturally produce significant amounts of delta 8 THC to get someone “high.” The same goes for delta 9 THC. Brands selling THC-lite are converting CBD to THC to create slightly intoxicating compounds.
Good post @ROSTERMAN Maybe more will become educated about this. I just learned of this stuff this morning. One of the guys I work with suggested it and said Texas has news about it and all sorts of stuff.

So, something more for members to be educated on, or can educate us.
Good post @ROSTERMAN Maybe more will become educated about this. I just learned of this stuff this morning. One of the guys I work with suggested it and said Texas has news about it and all sorts of stuff.

So, something more for members to be educated on, or can educate us.
I have a Guru who knows everything, I put some feelers out to see if he has any gaps to be filled .
Smart man when it comes to cannabis meds.
Good post @ROSTERMAN Maybe more will become educated about this. I just learned of this stuff this morning. One of the guys I work with suggested it and said Texas has news about it and all sorts of stuff.

So, something more for members to be educated on, or can educate us.
More info I was able to gatgher from a friend who is on top of these things

I am trying to gather info on Delta 8 and anything worthy of knowing.
Any ideas or clues ?
The first thing to know is that it isn't natural and is made from CBD, believe it or not. They use isomerization to convert it to D8, D10, CBG, CBN and even D9 and they're discovering more. If you see D8 bud being advertised it's going to be hemp that was sprayed with D8 distillate.

Currently it's still legal everywhere as long as it has less than 0.39% D9 and that's because it's made from hemp which is legal. The DEA doesn't like that it's legal but so far they haven't been able to stop it since hemp is approved by law.

There's a lot about it but it can be pretty technical. I've heard that it's best for edibles. Some people have issues when they try to inhale it.
@Angie he also said this
Yes, there's no question. If you see flowers that are D8 they will be sprayed hemp flowers. It's pretty much a synthetic since it's not found naturally.
It is also very hard to extract without a lot of special equipment must be done in a lab.
Yeah i cried a lot cause the little girls kept picking on me. 😁
Girls were never nice when you did this :D :D :D :D
I’ve been reading a lot into this cause I though getting Cbd license and I thought I had read an article on isomerization for delta 8 but wasn’t sure but see the demand. So I guess I’d have to look into the companies that process Cbd around here, to see if they purchase or what ever

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