What is this world coming to?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
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Hello, ive just heard (and seen) some disturbing news. My cousing buys his MJ off the street, which i advised him against. But as there is a drought in britain people have been putting sand in the baggies, i guess to make it look like it has lots of crystals and to add weight. But whats even worse than that, when i looked at some of the stuff he had, i think they actually PAINTED the sand green.

Anyone else seen this? Its sickening to think some people would do that, AND that other people would smoke it....
That is just depressing. How can people do that to fellow smokers. This is why I do not buy off the streets or anywhere for that matter anymore. If I didnt grow it, or know the grower, I dont need to smoke it. That is a shame for your cousin, He couldnt tell?
Its not that big a deal if you have a few trustworthy friends to hook you up. I don't think I would ever just head downtown and buy it off someone I did not know.
Learn to grow!
I mainly get my stuff from a guy a couple mins away from home.He's trustworthy enough.I mean, if I get something a lil outa the ordinary and tell him about it he'll investigate.I don't know anyone over here that grows their own stuff :( The worst i've experienced is just guys calling the grade something it's not>calling preserved, jam preserved,etc.
thats not cool man don here they put glass in the weed
man that sucks, luckerly for me i have a good dealer, and he does his best to get good stuff, although in the past i had some evil soap bar, couldn't even burn and crumbled, i had to stick it in a grinder, was horrid. hence the reason i am growing myself now.
wow that is so wrong. i got a couple of lead weights in a heavy bag once b4
Worst I ever got was just bad weed. There was this stuff going through that looked like great nugz, smoked like nugz and had about zero stoning power. We called it 'Pretendica' lol....

Growing brought me to a whole different level of herb. It has been consistently very good quality. The first thing I get asked is where they can get some. I have a guy who I trade with now and again. It really adds to the variety.
ive never had to buy my weed. I just go over to my neighbor next door. she grows a pound a month, she gives it away to her friends, haha
I remember back in the late 70's there was some H going around the Washington DC area that was laced with drano.......some folks got pretty messed up
drano is a chemical used for clearing clogged plumbing
Some of yall older folks probably remember back in the 70's when the US DEA nd Mexican Drug Officials started to spray the crops with an insecticide called Paraquate...well lots of the sprayed dope hit the streets in the USA and a bunch of stoners were killed from smoking it.....the USA finalt released that info and told smokers how to tell if their pot was some of the treated stuff....but this didnt happen untill people lost their life from smoking it.......:mad:
one of the many things to watch for when buying herb...ive seen people who put fishing weights in ounces to make them weigh out right...people do all sorts of messed up stuff to try and make a few bucks...i dont get why people wana screw over their fellow stoners...:mad:
ok so funny story. well i thought it was funny but my buddy didnt.
it was my first week at culinary school and my buddy, lets call him bob, was looking for days to score a sack. this guy was getting desperate. he even offered this chick 40$ for 2 bowls. anyway he met this guy who was standing outfront the dorms and the guy told him " yeah i can get you come pot"
the guy went around the corner and came back around.
they made the swap money for bag then both went their seperate ways.
he comes finds me and sais "hey lets go smoke"
im all about it so we go to his room
he sais he cant roll so he throws me some papers and the sack still rolled up to me and tells me to get to work.
well anyway i open the bag and it is grass.
im not talking about weed, he has a bag of grass, looks like this guy went and got a handful of grass from the devilstrip and stuffed it in a bag, i mean it still had roots and dirt in it.
must have been some exotic grass for $50 a fistfull
the best thing is when small timers are trying to cover up the scent and they spray lysol on the nuggs.

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