Where, oh where is Graywolfslair.com

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Tattered Old Graywolf

Acolyte in training
Sep 18, 2020
Reaction score
Rip City
Hi ya’ll!

Where, oh where is Graywolfslair.com?

My apologies on this dilatory post explaining why all the Graywolfslair links in the various forums no longer work. I was hoping to resolve it before now, but alas that is not to be!

The short version is that Vultr had an equipment failure and lost the cloud containing my site, as well as the backups my webmaster had stored there.

Everything is no more. Imagine my chagrin at that was the third time I’ve populated a site with articles, starting with Skunk Pharm Research, The Alchemist Resource, and then Graywolfslair.com.

My webmaster is putting together a new Graywolfslair.com site using a more dependable and reliable host who backups up on a separate drive and I have purchased a 16TB auxiliary drive for a second backup.

I don’t have an estimate of how long it will take to get back on line, and sadly the existing links will never work again, but Graywolfslair.com will return and I will keep you updated on progress.

Every time you hit one of those dead links, I encourage you to remember that it was Vultr who took that support away from you.

I wish I could say that they were remorseful and helpful in mine and my webmasters attempts in recovering the Lair after their crash, but alas that was not the case, so I do not recommend them for a site host.

More on that once I get the site back up……………………

One Flying Skunk Eye awarded to Vultr!
Flying Skunkeye Award-5.8.jpg
Hi ya’ll!

Where, oh where is Graywolfslair.com?

My apologies on this dilatory post explaining why all the Graywolfslair links in the various forums no longer work. I was hoping to resolve it before now, but alas that is not to be!

The short version is that Vultr had an equipment failure and lost the cloud containing my site, as well as the backups my webmaster had stored there.

Everything is no more. Imagine my chagrin at that was the third time I’ve populated a site with articles, starting with Skunk Pharm Research, The Alchemist Resource, and then Graywolfslair.com.

My webmaster is putting together a new Graywolfslair.com site using a more dependable and reliable host who backups up on a separate drive and I have purchased a 16TB auxiliary drive for a second backup.

I don’t have an estimate of how long it will take to get back on line, and sadly the existing links will never work again, but Graywolfslair.com will return and I will keep you updated on progress.

Every time you hit one of those dead links, I encourage you to remember that it was Vultr who took that support away from you.

I wish I could say that they were remorseful and helpful in mine and my webmasters attempts in recovering the Lair after their crash, but alas that was not the case, so I do not recommend them for a site host.

More on that once I get the site back up……………………

One Flying Skunk Eye awarded to Vultr!
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If it was lost in the clouds maybe google can help find it
Have you contacted anyone from their dept?
Somewhere out there in the internet world is some sort of wayback machine for the net. I don't know where, how it works or how to access it. I'm am 99% sure it exists though. I sure hope you get your stuff back without an absolute ton of work. That was some great reading for me and great teaching and sharing on your part. Thank You. Too bad I couldn't have hung out with you in chemistry and physics class in college. 😉
Somewhere out there in the internet world is some sort of wayback machine for the net. I don't know where, how it works or how to access it. I'm am 99% sure it exists though. I sure hope you get your stuff back without an absolute ton of work. That was some great reading for me and great teaching and sharing on your part. Thank You. Too bad I couldn't have hung out with you in chemistry and physics class in college. 😉
Wayback Machine is about a year behind on Graywolfslair.
I’m glad you at least have it on word. I’ve been on your site before and spent quite some time reading your colorful and interesting articles. It’s still sad that all the comments may be lost as they were fun to read as well. Good luck with getting everything back hopefully without digging those word files out 💕

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