Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
are you kidding me?

but to each their own

the odds of me changing anyoneโ€™s mind is pretty low..

....just like the odds of dying from c19 or whatever the feck it is , do you really think our wonderful leaders are going to tell us the truth , we can start at Kennedy?

98-99% recovery rate

please , if anyone finds out the ingredients of this new vaccine l please share it

Im not taking shit that these mother fkers are rushing thru. After the shit I've seen the government swamp creatures get by with the last few years i don't put anything past these sick bastards. How do we know they are not trying to shrink the population. I will never take another flu vaccine. Me and my Wife took it for two yrs and got sick both fking times.
This is what i think about their fking vaccines.
I've been getting the flu vaccine for a number of years now and I haven't had the flu once. I'll get the covid vax as soon as it's available. i want this shit to end but it won't until about 70% of the population is vaccinated. In the meantime I'll wear a mask and won't get too close to anybody.
are you kidding me?

but to each their own

the odds of me changing anyoneโ€™s mind is pretty low..

....just like the odds of dying from c19 or whatever the feck it is , do you really think our wonderful leaders are going to tell us the truth , we can start at Kennedy?

98-99% recovery rate

please , if anyone finds out the ingredients of this new vaccine l please share it

Ive read from the uk that folks with allergies aren't having any bad effects. I think 2 people with allergies had seizures of all those who got the shot. I wish I knew what was in it. But I take the flu shot too and thankfully never had it either.
Your mask wont stop Hippie.๐Ÿ˜
You do know a large majority of the ppl who have gotten the virus was wearing mask,,including doctors, nurses,and EMT,,right?
And im not saying the Flu shot gave me the flu,,im saying it didnt do shit to stop it. Last yrs Flu shot was less then 50% protective.
But to each his own.
There's a lot of variables in that statement. Those with masks who caught it could have rubbed their eyes, or had improper masks on. I dont go out without at least 5 microns of filtration. I have a background in chemical weapons and trust me. If you're wearing 5 micron or more and have eye protection, you're golden. Of course this means keeping your fingers away from your eyes and nose/mouth area too.
Why not if I may ask. No judgment. Just curious
Sure you can ask. My answer is because i dont trust the bastards. They rushed this vaccine thru. It takes yrs of testing to know if such things are safe. A lot of drugs have been used for yrs that have now been taken off the market because its killing the shit out of ppl because some side effects take longer to kick your ass.
Ask the ppl who have been taking Zantac. The one that they said was safer then the others.๐Ÿค”
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Ive seen my family get it, and they were all anti-mask. I worry more about my Mom than myself, but I know I need to stay healthy if I'm going to spend time with her. I also run all her errands for her etc. And keep some of my more reckless family members away from her as well.
Sure you can ask. My answer is because i dont trust the bastards. They rushed this vaccine thru. It takes yrs of testing to know if such things are safe. A lot of drugs have been used for yrs that have now bern taken off the market because its killing the shit out of ppl because some side effects take longer to kick your ass.
Ask the ppl who have been taking Zantac. The one that they said was safer then the others.๐Ÿค”
That concerned me as well.
That mask will only stop microns that are as small as 4 microns. The virus is much smaller then that,,,all your stopping are droplets. Listen brother,,you follow what ever rules they give you,,i don't really care one way or the other.
Im 65 fking yrs old with heart disease. I have worked the whole time and travelled to several different States and cities. That includes flying. I wear a mask down past my nose everywhere i am forced too to wear one,,but no where else. Nobody on my jobs are any other construction jobs ive seen are wearing mask unless they are sanding ard grinding. Ppl get sick every damn year and die. Life is a bitch sometimes,, but im not bowing down to bullshit rules that have destroyed thousands of businesses. More ppl are committing suicide and getting hooked on bad drugs then any other time in my lifetime.
To each his own. Wear the mask and get the shot. To each his own. Im not going to be their Ginny pig.
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Right. The virus can't crawl lol. If you stop the droplets, you stop the virus. Now, I have seen studies where masks that had the virus on it stay viable for 48 hrs. If we're diligent about it I feel that masks work.
Bro,,you can shit and fart at the same time. Stopping droplets does not stop the virus. The Virus also puts out Particles. Breathing out is all it takes. You are not spitting droplets by breathing out. Well i hope your not anyway.
A fart (sent molecules) for example goes right thru your pants. And this virus can be sucked right thru your mask because of its molecular size. Droplets and Particles are two different things and can carry the same product.

Wear the mask bro,,i dont care. Its all good.

And by the way,,i know all about mask. Ive worn them most my life in construction and also as a spray man. The only mask that can stop that Virus are Respiratory and Fresh Air Respirators.
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jeez, didn't think this topic would create much division.... lol

No division,, just differences of opinions. Thats a healthy thing. Its all good. You cant hurt my feelings anyway,,,i aint got any.๐Ÿ˜
Hell ill wear Ronnies mask to go into the Liquor store and get my cold beer if they ask me too. ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜

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