Recent content by jeepsteve

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  1. J

    Freezing Fog Advisory?

    I work at a little airport here in Indiana. Icy hazes are pretty common in wide open spaces in the winter time. It's very dangerous to be outside for lengthy periods during such conditions. Your clothes become saturated quickly. It's easy to see how someone could freeze to death. I feel bad...
  2. J

    Psychedelic Mary Jane

    Banjo is right. I'll bet holding your breath and running up the stairs blacked you out. I do that if I stand up too fast when high. My vision kind of tunnels out and comes right back. It does't worry me much.
  3. J

    X-Mas trees 2008.........~

    If that's true, I'm a rude dude.
  4. J

    Obama, his stance on mmj?

    I, for one, would have no problem compromising, and abiding by whatever regulations the government would set forth to keep some control. I got arrested for a roach in the ash tray of my jeep just two days after getting out of the military. Can you say inconvenient?
  5. J

    Oh lucky me!! (sarcastic, lol)

    Don't you love being volunteered without your knowledge to do things? Do you think this ever happened to Bob Hope?
  6. J

    I'm new! I don't know what to do!

    ...quoting Joe Dirt. Hello, I'm new here. I don't grow- yet. I joined to pick the brains of some experienced growers. I've been smoking off and on since middle school and pretty much everyday for maybe three years now (I'm 26). I do recognize the difference between use and abuse and...